Well, we are now week one and I'm afraid my three girls are not that much more in love with the newbies. With respect to them I probably have done it all wrong as I have introduced new girls and changed their surroundings all at the same time so this could be a big learning curve to any one else thinking of introducing new birds.
But they are here and I love them so I want them to settle. I have them separated in one run during the day as the bullying is a bit much and the new girls are very timid. One of them is 19 weeks and when I go into the run and try to get them to fed together at the end of the day when I get home she hides behind my legs! They sleep together with no problems but in the morning will not come out of the coop until I am there and put them in their section. I have the weekend now and was wondering what I should do. I still have lots of sorting out to do so will be in and out of the run area most of tomorrow. What do I do for the best. Carry on keeping them separate for a bit, I read it can take a while for this to calm down or go for it and separate them when it gets really bad??? I'm sort of regretting upsetting their happy balance but these two newbies are really lovely( as you've seen from previous post) HELP