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What I have in my incubator at the moment


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  • What I have in my incubator at the moment

    Hello everyone

    Well, how excited am I. Hope they hatch. I have 2 x pekin crosses (whatever hatches out really, not too sure got them from the lottie), 3 x Golden Speckled/Spotted Appenzellers (orange/gold colour with black spots), 6 x silver laced wyandottes, 3 x buff nankins

  • #2
    never having hatched any chook eggs,do you know which is which on all the eggs,or are they all similar colour? i hope you hatch the lot,have got visions of them all scampering about...


    • #3
      We have got 4 incubators:
      1. 3 eggs buff orpington due to hatch (poor fertility rate, we did have 12 originally)
      2. 4 goose eggs
      3. mixture of runner duck, appleyard and aylesbury, approximately 20, all fertile. due to hatch next week.Soo excited!
      4. white pekins, mix colour silkies, columbian brahma, buff orpington, sablepoots. about 30 all in all but they have only been in 4 days so this number will reduce when I candle.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BUFFS View Post
        never having hatched any chook eggs,do you know which is which on all the eggs,or are they all similar colour? i hope you hatch the lot,have got visions of them all scampering about...
        They are differnet sizes and colours yet I write name on and date collected etc.


        • #5
          like the old park-keepers years ago,"come in number 6,your time is up,get a move on number 4",i bet they all end up hatching within hours of each other..enjoy..


          • #6
            I can tell from the eggs which is which, but then again I maybe surprised come hatch day


            • #7
              we have currently on the go:

              Gold Laced Wyanadotte, Black Orpington, Blue Orpington, Lemon Cochin, Gold Laced Cochin, black Cochin, Partrdige Cochin, white cochin, black pekin, white pekin, lemon cuckoo pekin, cuckoo pekin, millefleur barbu d'uccle, marsh daisy, dorking, indian game, runner duck x campbell. if walter and flo get their fingers out i hope to have some Slate Turkeys in by the end of the month!

              I used to have a dining room table, its over there, under the incubators!

              my name is mike, and i am a chookaholic.
              My Blog


              • #8
                Well Ive got cream legbars, festhers maran x (very excited by those two), hybrids, and a couple of banty which are either cuckoo wyandotte or cw x black plymouth rock. And as soon as they come out I'll be reloading.
                Anyone got a spare inci?
                Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                • #9
                  I only have Khaki and White Campbell ducks in mine at the moment, due to hatch around Saturday. Then I'll put a load of Indian Game in and see what's on offer at the poultry sale on Sat.


                  • #10
                    I've got a few Light Sussex and Buff Orpington due to hatch next week although LS not looking too good - possibly only two coming out of four (these are bought in eggs).
                    I've also got 4 lots of eggs all from sussex cross hens who are currently running with an indian game cock and a light sussex cock, all the hatchlings are potential meat birds. Haven't candled all yet as early days for some and I like to wait at least a week before looking at them. The ones we have candled look ok so far though.

                    Just realised this thread is about what's in the incubator, and mine are all under hens - duh!


                    • #11
                      My incy's empty at the moment! I've immobilised my ebay finger for the time being but as soon as the babies are big enough to go outside and thence to the lottie ......... well who knows.......!!


                      • #12
                        ..and fingers crossed they're all girls! My last hatch of 10 sillver sussex bantams I was so pleased when 9 hatched only to find out 8 were boys


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