Bumped into Andrew again, and he gave me a free cockeral 
Dont go 'oh no' like that
When I got the cuckoo wyandottes off him he kept a trio and I had the pair. Well one of his three has just announced that its a second boy
So knowing that i intend to show mine Andrew gave it to me, so that I've got a spare one to show so to speak. Its a super little boy, and is now living with my black plymouth rock banty hen.
Even better, one of the two hens was laying, but I didnt know which. Having seperated them into two pairs, I've now discovered that its the wyandotte which is laying, so now I will have some pure cuckoo wyandotte eggs to go in the inci, when this batch hatch. Yippee, cos although I'm not admitting it they are so sweet

Dont go 'oh no' like that

Even better, one of the two hens was laying, but I didnt know which. Having seperated them into two pairs, I've now discovered that its the wyandotte which is laying, so now I will have some pure cuckoo wyandotte eggs to go in the inci, when this batch hatch. Yippee, cos although I'm not admitting it they are so sweet