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New girls on order


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  • New girls on order

    Well there was a little advert in our local paper
    'Year old hens for sale'
    I know i shouldnt have done it but i rang up to see what they were, expecting possibly ex-bats, or someone giving up. Turns out they are ex free range girlies, ISA s. They were all gone, but the nice lady offered to let me know in six weeksish when thay have some more going. So somehow I found myself saying could they keep me ten (yes ten). They are �2.50 each, which I thought sounded fair for free range birds.
    Two days later Gordon who calls at my market stall and natters about chooks and stuff (dont know why ) asked if I wanted some ex-batts in a few weeks when his local battery gets rid, 50p each. Poor little beggers. 50p seems so little for a new life. I'm feeling tempted to take some, even though I know they will be more problematic than the others.
    And before anyone asks, yes I do have room and yes I can afford the feed bills...oh and yes it will mean DEFRA reg..but then I would be anyway after this next hatch as I already have 41.
    Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door

  • #2
    Then- why not!..good on you

    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      you know you want more.... well done for giving the batts a new life, dont forget to charge the camera ready for the pics
      Last edited by Hans Mum; 04-04-2010, 08:19 AM.
      The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


      • #4
        I'm only jealous! Looking forward to seeing your photos when your newbies arrive.
        Bernie aka DDL

        Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


        • #5
          Just do it - you know you want to!

          I'm at 40 plus Rooster, and I've got the urge...
          Last edited by Glutton4...; 04-04-2010, 11:25 AM.
          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


          • #6
            WOW! How good is that?
            All vehicles now running 100% biodiesel...
            For a cleaner, greener future!


            • #7
              Oh btw... Defra reg isn't anything difficult. Just phone them up and ask them for the forms. You might even be able to do it online???
              All vehicles now running 100% biodiesel...
              For a cleaner, greener future!


              • #8
                its hilly - if you go ove the 50 mark (even if they are only chicks) you need to notify the Poultry Register of Great Britain. This is actually very good as it gives you a heads up if there are any poultry releated problems in your area. you can do it over the net

                also, if you have over 50, you should register with DEFRA for a CPH holding number. this entitles you to officially be registered as a "smallholding" you can register for CPH over the phone. Before you do so, you will need to know the co-ordinates of your land/field if appropriate as well as your postcode. if you dont know your co-ordinates (OS map points not GPS) then a quick flick over to google maps will provide the information. If you are only at a postcode and not a remote field then you shoudl be able to just go by that. Defra, UK - Forms and guidance - Agricultural holding numbers

                of course there is a couple of dangers in registering for a CPH number.

                1 - as you will be classed as a "agricultural holding" you fall outside of the remit of the RSPCA. they are not allowed to discuss animal welfare with you anymore as you now fall under the Animal Welfare Officer for the county you are in. This is good in effect as the RSPCA guy has no teeth or official capacity, even though he dresses like a policeman. He is actually forbidden by law from entering your garden or property as this is tantamount to trespass. The Animal Welfare Officer is a totally different kettle of fish. He is allowed under the Animal Welfare Act to enter any premise at any time where he feels there is a need to inspect and act accordingly.

                I know a few animal welfare officers and they are a very useful bunch as they offer good advice, are actually very friendly and worth talking to. Once you register with DEFRA you will get a courtesy call from them introducing themselves and offering help. Take it. Its worth having them on your side. The few officers i know actually have a dim view of the RSPCA as they tend to muddy the waters and cause problems as all the RSPCA want to do is prosecute, whereas the AWO wants to help.......

                2 - the other (major in my opinion) problem with having a CPH number is you are now licenced to have other animals such as pigs goats and sheep. you will need SELF CONTROL!!!!
                My Blog


                • #9
                  2 - the other (major in my opinion) problem with having a CPH number is you are now licenced to have other animals such as pigs goats and sheep. you will need SELF CONTROL!!!!
                  Noooooo Thats me scuppered then
                  as you will be classed as a "agricultural holding" you fall outside of the remit of the RSPCA.
                  Now thats really upset me Out of the ones Ive met some are fine, others suffer from hitler complex and selective deafness. I really dont mind the welfare officer calling. Hopefully as my birds are reasonably housed, fed, cleaned, deloused etc then I should have little to worry about. I pick anyones brains I meet who has chooks anyway
                  Thanks to the rest of you for your sensible advice on caution With friends like you lot I think I need to save up for a farm.
                  I'd never encourage anyone like that..
                  Go G4, you really need to see what Valentinos babies are like or you wont be able to make an informed desicion on breeding replacements for the old girls or buying in
                  M2R is that from experience then?
                  Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                  • #10
                    The thing with DEFRA is... some folk are simply wary of ANY link to officialdom. Having run a sheep farm in the past, that would include me, but I know they can be useful as well.
                    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


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