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Struggling with ducklings


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  • Struggling with ducklings

    As some of you may know, we've ended up with (been landed with) 2 Khaki Campbell ducklings (currently 5 and a bit weeks old).

    They were hatched by a nursery/pre-school who wanted their charges to experience the wonders of life etc, but of course, don't want full grown ducks wandering around

    We got landed with them because we already have ducks, and everyone thinks that this is then OK.

    Problem is, we've got enough ducks, thanks!! We have 4 Khaki's already and 2 Runner ducks, who are all over 18 months old (plus the 21 hens/cockerels).

    These ducklings are too little to go in with our other ducks, and we have no room for them in reality. They're currently still under heat in the garage, but will be ready soon to go outside. We've got nowhere seperate to house them, and haven't the room/resources to build a completely seperate pen with room for a little pond etc.

    I've put up some signs in local shops (including the agricultural supplies shop), on the Small Ads at work and on a poultry specific forum; but haven't had much interest.

    I'm really starting to worry about what we'll do with these babies if we can't find them a good home somewhere. Any suggestions as to how else I can 'advertise' them etc?

  • #2
    Hmmmmm it's a difficult one isn't it!!! The only other thing that springs to mind is a local park with a duck pond? There'd still be the problem of someone looking after them though. Sorry I can't be more help. Good luck
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


    • #3
      your too far away for me otherwise I would have took them sorry


      • #4
        how have your bigducks reacted to them? sometimes they accept them.


        • #5
          Originally posted by petal View Post
          how have your bigducks reacted to them? sometimes they accept them.
          Don't know yet - they are too little go go outside, as they still have their baby fluff.... problem is, we really don't have room for them even if they did get on


          • #6
            go to - Poultry suppplies, garden poultry, houses, feed, drinkers, incubators, and hatching eggs etc. if you list them in an auction as a "rehoming case" then usually the listing is free, but do check with Sam the site admin first a to what fees you will be charged.

            its a national site and you can arrange a courier (paid for by the purchaser) for about �40 for the birds to be collected and transported to the winner if they cant collect.

            hope that helps
            My Blog


            • #7
              Thanks - have registered with them this morning...

              Poor not-so-little ducklings! It just really annoys me that they were hatched without any thought as to what would become of them. It's one of the reasons why we've never hatched our own eggs!


              • #8
                Hopefully you have got in touch with the school and made sure all children know that although it is lovely to hatch eggs, a great responsibility goes with the pleasure. That of rearing and finding responsible homes for the ducks and maybe dispatching the drakes for food!.


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