My two chicks are 7 weeks old now and are leaving home. Its been huge fun having them in the house and watching them grow, but they are almost the size of bantams, lively, noisy and the most horrendous beggers of food.
They have been completely off heat for a couple of weeks now, and I have the windows wide open next to them all day to get them used to fresh air. They need more space, so the plan was to put them into the greenhouse for a week or two to help them acclimate further, them move them down to main run into a fenced off bit of their own before integrating them fully. My girls can be a bit mean sometimes, but they were ok with last lot of chicks cos they were all together from word 'go' pretty much and fully integrated at about 4 weeks cos they had momma hens looking out for them.
Does this sound sound?? Or any ideas from more experienced peeps? Definitely sticking to waiting for a broody next time. Much better for momma hens to just get on with it
They have been completely off heat for a couple of weeks now, and I have the windows wide open next to them all day to get them used to fresh air. They need more space, so the plan was to put them into the greenhouse for a week or two to help them acclimate further, them move them down to main run into a fenced off bit of their own before integrating them fully. My girls can be a bit mean sometimes, but they were ok with last lot of chicks cos they were all together from word 'go' pretty much and fully integrated at about 4 weeks cos they had momma hens looking out for them.
Does this sound sound?? Or any ideas from more experienced peeps? Definitely sticking to waiting for a broody next time. Much better for momma hens to just get on with it