i have spent the last few days expanding the birds coop,it now has 30% larger interior,extra two roosting bars(holding 3/4 each) and an extra nestbox,i have resited the coop against the back wall(it weighs an absolute ton,lifting it up onto 12in blocks) i have removed all the old stuff from their area and replaced it with new, and renewed the draw strings that allow me to open and close the coop door without having to enter. its all down to egg demand,people wanting to put a regular order in for fresh eggs,so monday will see me down the breeders,and for something different to the rest,i think a speckletie,and a white star,and a sussex,so in twelve months nearly,we have gone from 4 to 10 birds...so with 3 nestboxes,roosting bars for up to 15,and just about everything altered/renewed/updated with my grandsons help,i am now going to take it a bit easier, as i ache all over from lifting and pulling,.... and i say again "no more birds",but i seem to have said that before sometime/somewhere,must be old age creeping up, as i keep forgetting to say nooooooooo mooooooorrrrrrreeeeee..
...i knew i would forget something,when i was putting in the new draw cords,they were on their sun platforms i put up last year and i was just finishing off when i turned round and 6 out of the 7 were fast asleep ,basking,they looked like a row of those pottery egg holers shaped as hens,all was peace and quiet until nextdoors dog decided to chase seagulls,and that lovely little moment was gone.. they did look so relaxed with the sun on their backs
