I just thought id give you a giggle about my chicken, who thinks she is a duck. Now we have ducks in with the chickens and wumpy who is a naughty drake who i am sorry to say humps everything including the bucket, fancied the chicken some years back, so much so that we had to seperate them. So in the end we bought wumpy some new lady duckys. Of course again he still is a randy pervert and
and we are wondering if the wild mallard duck who comes in the steal their food maybe having an affair behind her mallard mans back. She is nesting at the moment so time will tell if she has been having that affair with wumpy. Anyway the chicken is jealous and chances the wild female duck away then squats down in front of wumpy so he can have his wicked way. yes my duck likes to have sex with a chicken. Or maybe my chicken like to have sex with a duck.
The chicken also things she can swim and has tried to get into a bucket of water before, drowned rat doesnt come to what she looked like when she came out. she also quacks, or trys too.
Anyway welcome to my world of madness

The chicken also things she can swim and has tried to get into a bucket of water before, drowned rat doesnt come to what she looked like when she came out. she also quacks, or trys too.

Anyway welcome to my world of madness
