Well, even though the chicks are still only a month old (or thereabouts!), the big dog cage that they'd been living in is now definitely far too small for the 12 of them. Yesterday I made the decision to move them into a "proper" coop and run of their own, somewhere to scratch about in, climb, run, jump, and generally be the little hooligans they're growing in to
So, when they'd all settled last night, (in a cat carrier inside the dog cage) I just locked the entry door and took them all out to their new home. I really was a bit worried that they'd be cold or frightened, but that's just me being a worrier! I let them out this morning, well I opened the coop door, and it was a good half an hour before the first brave one ventured out. They've had a lovely day exploring and pretending to be grown up
At bedtime though, of course they didn't know where to go to bed and I found them all snuggled up together in a disused drain. No problem picking them up and popping them through the door. Anyway, here's some pictures of them settling in (the big one is Coriander, 8-ish weeks and so lovely!)
