...there she was stuck in a little cage in the sun on the market, she'd laid an egg bless her, a dark brown maran cuivré (coppered maran) egg, our eyes met thru the mesh, and the decision was made, cleopatra was in a box in the car quick as lightning. Sox has been fussing her thru the mesh of her isolation pen all afternoon, tonight will pop her into bed with the others, even though the girls have been pretty bitchy, oh well that's hens, Sox will sort em out!!!
No announcement yet.
it was the way she looked at me....
we are all soft touches when the circumstances bring us up against a penned bird,and a maran as well,good luck with her,our two speckledies and one sussex settled in within 2/3 days,all one mob now,pushing their way thru to make sure they dont miss out,decided to get 4, now have 10...no more...
just wanted to report that all 5 girls and Soxy boy, are happily free ranging together for about half the day whilst spike is tied to the sofa (no, spikes my dog not my husband) cleo still the underhen but not being pecked, just not yet allowed to share dust bath, at night she's allowed ro sleep between the two bossiest ladies though, scarlet (top hen) and buffy buff,mrs confidence personifiedLast edited by mr darcy; 01-05-2010, 08:38 PM.
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