The Silver Sussex Cockerel certainly keeps me on my toes! Went to collect eggs today wearing my shorts. Well that was it....... "FLESH".......thinks cockerel and launches himself at my legs. In an effort to protect myself I fended him off with a tray full of eggs........BAAAAAAAD MOVE. Cockerel coming at me feet first egg kicked eggs all over the place.....THEN I LOST IT!!!!!!!
Comedy capers set in as I started picking up the eggs and pelting the cockerel with them.
When I ran out of eggs I went out to get some more but when I came back in the run he was standing in the corner looking sheepish and thinking "This guys a lunatic"
Ah well, certainly brings a bit of interest to chook keeping.
I wouldn't swap him for the world!
Comedy capers set in as I started picking up the eggs and pelting the cockerel with them.
When I ran out of eggs I went out to get some more but when I came back in the run he was standing in the corner looking sheepish and thinking "This guys a lunatic"
Ah well, certainly brings a bit of interest to chook keeping.

I wouldn't swap him for the world!
