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Hatching on day 24?


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  • Hatching on day 24?

    Has anyone else had experience of this?

    We put some more of 'Hectors' eggs in the inccy and they were due to hatch on Sunday. Nothing, not a peep. Thought we'd give them a few more days, rang Aunty Mo last night for her input and left it a bit longer. Late last night we both swore we heard cheeping. And again today.

    Finally this evening we have pippage! Only one egg though. Is it worth leaving them all a bit longer?

    I know Orpingtons are big slow birds, but this seems a bit late in the day. We candled the eggs a few times and definately saw growth and last time we checked them, all seemed full of chick.

    Feeling puzzled and wondered if this is unusual.

  • #2
    Quick update:
    She made it out! Has hatched and looks good so far I am hoping she'll wake the others up, she's noisy enough lol


    • #3
      we had some cochins hatch late, we always let the incy run a few days over. however, keep your eyes on them as in my exerience a late hatcher is a slow bird to develop and may need help.
      My Blog


      • #4
        My second hatch was over too by a few days- difficult to say by how much as they were abandoned twice by different surrogate mums each time for 24 hrs. I really didn't think they'd be viable- so you can imagine my shock, 1 week after the other clutch had hatched that I had 2 more chicks!!!

        Both however had problems- one had difficulty getting out of the shell and spraddle leg which needed splinting for 2 days- an the other a small hernia at it's tummy button.
        Clearly development had been affected- it'll be interesting to see if yours are in fine fettle though! ( fingers crossed they are!)

        Let us know ow you get on!
        Last edited by Nicos; 29-04-2010, 10:07 AM.
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #5
          I'm into Day 22 and waiting for 10 eggs to hatch and another hen sitting on 4 which are due on 4th May.

          Fingers crossed
          Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


          • #6
            Shelly - remember that day 21 is for pipping NOT hatching, hatching can be 24 hours later.

            Also Orpingtons in my experience have always been a day later, just like my belgian bantams are a day earlier!

            Incubator temp has a lot to do with it - if it has been a little low or a little inconsistant then this can delay hatching - however like Mike said usually they are weaker birds who can take a bit to get going and may also need help out of teh shel if you are that way inclined, they will also be depleated on stored food supply so will need to be feeding within 24 - 48 hours not the usualy 5 days.

            fingers crossed for more lovely Hector babies
            My Blog


            • #7
              Thickie question!!!

              OK- urm...definition of pipping please!!!

              Is that when the chick breaks through the shell- or when you first hear them cheeping inside the shell?
              I'm thinking the former- but now I'm wondering
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • #8
                Thanks for all the replies.
                Jenny, thanks too for the reasurance. I wasn't too worried as they are orps and growth has been consistant, as we've candled them. But only one has hatched so far. She seems ok, healthy and sturdy, so far. Mr P and I have agreed though, no helping out of the shells this time and any spraddled legged ones will be dispatched. As they are such big birds and with all the problems we had with the legs last year, we feel it will be kinder in the long run.
                One of the last lot (nearly 4 weeks old) has developed a wonky leg. We are giving it a few days to make sure but that one will have to go too if it gets no better. I am hardening up with the chicks now, but I really want to make sure we are breeding/keeping good healthy birds as most of these will be sold on.
                Keeping an ear out for more cheeping. I'll leave the inccy running untill at least Friday I think.
                Thanks again guys and gals ;p


                • #9
                  Day 22 and they started to hatch and now day 25 and they are still hatching but concerned about the ones which have already hatched. I have another broody who is not sitting on anything so am going to put the remainder of the eggs under her and see what happens. Really weird, is it the weather that has caused it or something else?

                  Any ideas anyone?
                  Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                  • #10
                    We've had one hatch and nothing ele at all. They'll have been in the inccy 4 weeks on Sunday so I'll be calling time on them tonight or tomorrow I think. Very odd as we had 10 out of 12 with eggs from the same birds last month.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Shellintons View Post
                      Thanks for all the replies.
                      Jenny, thanks too for the reasurance. I wasn't too worried as they are orps and growth has been consistant, as we've candled them. But only one has hatched so far. She seems ok, healthy and sturdy, so far. Mr P and I have agreed though, no helping out of the shells this time and any spraddled legged ones will be dispatched. As they are such big birds and with all the problems we had with the legs last year, we feel it will be kinder in the long run.
                      One of the last lot (nearly 4 weeks old) has developed a wonky leg. We are giving it a few days to make sure but that one will have to go too if it gets no better. I am hardening up with the chicks now, but I really want to make sure we are breeding/keeping good healthy birds as most of these will be sold on.
                      Keeping an ear out for more cheeping. I'll leave the inccy running untill at least Friday I think.
                      Thanks again guys and gals ;p
                      I say this every time! and every time I think I'll give them their chance. I have even turned the incubator off then turned it on again half an hour later. As most of mine go into the freezer anyway a slight deformity doesn't really matter.
                      Ones for breeding or selling though must be as perfect as possible.


                      • #12
                        Final result. 8 out of ten, 2 were infertile. (Must speak to Erik, the cock). The last one hatched last night, day 24. Three were hatched under another broody and had to be helped out of the shell, sadly one died but the others seem OK. It will be interesting to see what happens to the other clutch due to hatch on the 4th.
                        Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                        • #13
                          Oh roitelet, well done! We got one Healthy enough and has joined my mum hens with some bantam chicks which are about a week older. The vinegar spray worked wonders
                          That's it, I am pulling the plug on the rest. A week overdue and no more sign of life.
                          Time to clear out the inncy's and put some quail eggs in I think.


                          • #14
                            I had some lemon mille fleur eggs that hatched 3 days late and so far all the chicks are fine. they are 3 weeks old.


                            • #15
                              Chicks all seem fine although I had to bring the youngest one in the other night and warm it up with a hot water bottle and a lamp. It looked very sick but after half an hour it was yelling for its Mum! Lost my eldest girl last night though. She has looked a bit off colour for a few days so I moved her out on her own but sadly she died. Old age I think she was about 5 years old.
                              Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


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