just wondering when I can put new banty chicks (3 weeks old) and mother onto ground where my existing banties have been running? The chicks have been on new grass which has never had birds on it, I'd like to move them in their house and run into my back garden onto ground where my 7 banties live. Should I put down a thick layer of wood chips in their run? Should I worm my banties first? They will eventually all be together when the chicks are grown up (12 weeks?)......They have chick crumbs which are medicated for cocciodosis (?)...
just wondering when I can put new banty chicks (3 weeks old) and mother onto ground where my existing banties have been running? The chicks have been on new grass which has never had birds on it, I'd like to move them in their house and run into my back garden onto ground where my 7 banties live. Should I put down a thick layer of wood chips in their run? Should I worm my banties first? They will eventually all be together when the chicks are grown up (12 weeks?)......They have chick crumbs which are medicated for cocciodosis (?)...