I've got 5 seven week old chicks which are fully feathered sharing the dog cage with some three week old chicks. There is a heat lamp set quite high above it, but the bigs dont go near it except for the odd 'sunbathe' and the littles (which are half feathered) cuddle up with them rather than sit under the lamp.
So my question is..if I put the bigs out into the baby coop and run, which is a very solid draught free one, could the littles go with them? Or would it be a bit too soon?
Its a big cage at 4x3 feet, so it wont do any harm for them to all stay there another week, but would the older ones start picking on the younger, or will they stay as a big family?
So my question is..if I put the bigs out into the baby coop and run, which is a very solid draught free one, could the littles go with them? Or would it be a bit too soon?
Its a big cage at 4x3 feet, so it wont do any harm for them to all stay there another week, but would the older ones start picking on the younger, or will they stay as a big family?