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Auto door opener


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  • Auto door opener

    I've just bought one of these and tested as per instructions all seems fine. The trouble I have is that it is not closing when I cover the light sensor up. I have emailed Wells Poultry and they came back to me very quickly. They say that covering it up doesnt work I have to wait for darkness to see that it works. Given my location to the allotment I dont have that luxury. I cant take the risk of it not working. For anyone who has one the sensitivity switch is as far anti clockwise as it will go. Any help would be appreciated I want this to work but cant take silly chances.

  • #2
    It SHOULD close when you cover the light sensor. That's how we tested ours in the days when we used them. Wells Poultry aren't being very helpful! Have you made sure it's not a duff battery?


    • #3
      Mine closes if I completely cover the sensor - for instance, wrap my coat around it! It wirked brilliantly until the autumn evenings came on and I suspect the light was more diffuse - at anyrate, we had a week or so of chickens getting shut out. We adjusted the sensore - only a little - and now they are all in at bedtime.

      Try a complete cover up - not just your hands. Hope you can get this to work. I find them a real load-lightener.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #4
        thanks all I have put paper tape over the door so if it does go down it will tear and I can see if it has worked. The test works putting a coin over pin 3&4 it goes down then comes back up when removed


        • #5
          Covering up doesnt work with mine unless as Flummery says you really cover it up properly.

          As you know there is a sensor adjuster and I think you will need to spend one evening down at the allotment to get this right otherwise you'll run the risk of ending up with hens shut outside.

          They are however wonderful gadgets - we finally changed the batteries after 2 1/2 years which I think is not bad considering we have an elaborate pulley system which opens both the hen house pop hole and a door in the outer run to allow them to free range.


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