We've known for a while that we needed to get our Norfolk Greys wings clipped...each day they plan their escape route and find a little corner to lay their eggs.
Each day they have a five or ten minute wander about and then dutifully get themselves back in the run.(or if I'm there they come find me and ask to be let back in
As crops are starting to grow and also because there's now net over two broody runs(which they were getting a little caught up in)we decided the deed had to be done.....I now have a mental image of the poor lil things jumping and flapping and wondering what the Heck's going on.....'...I could do this yesterday
....'...type thing.
I'm sure they'll eventually get used to it and I know it had to be done,,,,but poor little things.
Each day they have a five or ten minute wander about and then dutifully get themselves back in the run.(or if I'm there they come find me and ask to be let back in

As crops are starting to grow and also because there's now net over two broody runs(which they were getting a little caught up in)we decided the deed had to be done.....I now have a mental image of the poor lil things jumping and flapping and wondering what the Heck's going on.....'...I could do this yesterday

I'm sure they'll eventually get used to it and I know it had to be done,,,,but poor little things.