Well I have cleaned out the inci. But more importantly I have also cracked the unhatched eggs to see what I had. Last time I did this I had used a higher humidity throughout and had too many full term but unhatched, presumably drowned in the shell. This time I was relieved to only have one ft that hadnt hatched. The others were either infertile (bought in) or only just started.
Oddly there were two sets of infertile eggs..and both were wyandottes. One bought in 5/6 infertile, one my own barred banties 4/6 infertile. Mind you these were from the first eggs she laid, so they may improve. Not a nice job but invaluable learning curve.
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Oddly there were two sets of infertile eggs..and both were wyandottes. One bought in 5/6 infertile, one my own barred banties 4/6 infertile. Mind you these were from the first eggs she laid, so they may improve. Not a nice job but invaluable learning curve.
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