Went to let everyone out this morning. As you do
Trousers my little banty wyandotte cockeral is a bit subdued lately as his missus went broody, and at the same time we moved their coop into a new pen with others on both sides so he's not the cock of the walk any more. They're so devoted i've left them together as he pined to the point of not eating when I took him out.Feeling sorry i stopped to offer him a treat, and to coax Twinkle off the eggs for a drink. Oddly she came out straight away instead of needing throwing off the nest.
Which is when I heard it. Peep peep peep
YEEEES, houston we have chicks. Three little bright yellow fuzzies, one with stripes, the others not.
Of course I didn't even have my phone on me
so pictures tomorrow, unless I'm home early tonight. Just hope Trousers is good with the babies

Trousers my little banty wyandotte cockeral is a bit subdued lately as his missus went broody, and at the same time we moved their coop into a new pen with others on both sides so he's not the cock of the walk any more. They're so devoted i've left them together as he pined to the point of not eating when I took him out.Feeling sorry i stopped to offer him a treat, and to coax Twinkle off the eggs for a drink. Oddly she came out straight away instead of needing throwing off the nest.
Which is when I heard it. Peep peep peep

Of course I didn't even have my phone on me
