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Can anyone sex these chicks?


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  • #16
    Just for interest the chicks looked identical to me, mostly black with yellow underneath and perhaps some on their heads..............


    • #17
      I got some 'creole' Orpington eggs for my broody and they hatched at the weekend, two are black with yellow spots on their heads, and yellow rumps, the rest yellow with slight brown flecks. I think I have read that creole colouring comes from some combination of barred and red (or red and black?) birds, but I'd just assumed the chicks would be identical at hatching. I just like the colours and am not planning any kind of breeding programme with them, but reading the above posts I wonder if the blacks are boys?


      • #18
        Could be, Palomino, you'll have to let us know for future ref. And dont forget the pics will you.
        Crele can be made by barred male onto black breasted red hen. But I think its not literally a red hen with a black breast but one that is genetically BBR such as copper black maran. I've got chicks which are the opposite, BBR male and cuckoo female, wonder if that will do the same?
        Anyone know what wyandotte hen would be genetically BBR?
        Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


        • #19
          Originally posted by its hilly View Post
          Anyone know what wyandotte hen would be genetically BBR?
          Gold laced? My gold laced girls have more gold on their breast feathersand more black elsewhere. Have no idea really but just a suggestion!
          Last edited by Suechooks; 20-05-2010, 07:58 AM.


          • #20
            nicos - i think what jennie is saying about pulling the fathers back is that on the cockerels the feathers to the neck are more pointed at the tips, whereas on the hen they are more rounded.

            if i am wrong she will tell me and re-write the posting i am sure!


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            • #21
              Originally posted by jessmorris View Post
              Big thankyous to everyone who responded. The maran chicks were both nearly black when fluffy so I thought they would be girls -ah well! The pooters are deffo two of one sort and two of the other - so 2 gels and 2 boys I think!
              Jury's out on the maranses, but the pooters, which are gorgeous, are two of each - lil' darlins'!


              • #22
                hmm darker cuckoo marans chick should be girl.. but don't think it is, red wattles at 5 weeks is early even for a marans.. I think you may have 2 boys there... however the squaring up happens between all ages and genders in my flock from time to time...


                • #23
                  Oh lordy. They look the same to me, just slightly different tones of grey...............


                  • #24
                    Hi there,
                    the dark marans seems to be a boy as he's jumping on all the other hens and looks like he's trying to mate with them. The lighter grey bird doesn't do any of this at the moment. They appear to be identical as regards combs, wattles and feathers. I've put them back in thier own run now, I didn't like seeing my bantams being terrorised by this big bird (he's only 7 weeks old!)


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