Hi all..... 
I'm trying to decide whether or not to get a couple of chickens. Just two/three max. (It's only to provide for myself and the other half.)
Are they a big bind?
I have a demanding job and can't always get back in an evening when I'd like to. So the odd weekend, I won't make it back at all, and the odd evening, I'd be kinda late. I live in the 'burbs' and don't want to come back to the remains of a foxes dinner - so I'd have to coop/run them pretty much permanently. :/ (Not ideal.) That and I understand I would have to cover the veg/fruit etc.
I have the space (and alot of literature to read!
). What do you guys think?
Thoughts and opinions please.

I'm trying to decide whether or not to get a couple of chickens. Just two/three max. (It's only to provide for myself and the other half.)
Are they a big bind?
I have a demanding job and can't always get back in an evening when I'd like to. So the odd weekend, I won't make it back at all, and the odd evening, I'd be kinda late. I live in the 'burbs' and don't want to come back to the remains of a foxes dinner - so I'd have to coop/run them pretty much permanently. :/ (Not ideal.) That and I understand I would have to cover the veg/fruit etc.
I have the space (and alot of literature to read!

Thoughts and opinions please.
