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Problems with pecking AHHHHH please help :S


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  • Problems with pecking AHHHHH please help :S

    I started off with 7 chickens but one sadly died a few months ago. My parents decideto buy me some more for my birthday. Two days i got two new chickens . The new ones are younger and therefore smaller than the other 6. The dominant female is atracking the smaller ones. The other five will also have a go. They mostly go for the little copper one (smaller than the other new one). We have tried the vinegar in thae water and the cds and separting them. Is there anything we can do?? Its really upseting she getting depressed. The dominate female is also mating her and mating all the other chickens. Is that normal????

  • #2
    If possible, can you put a temporary barrier (chicken wire or something) up so the newbies are away from the oldies? That way they'll be able to see each other before the pecking gets too bad. Also, if they're all sleeping in the same coop, then spray all of them (not just the new ones) with a weak vinegar solution (so they all smell the same )

    As regards the dominant hen treading all the others, it might be just a case of asserting her authority. Is she laying eggs? If not, then she could be either a cockerel or a transexual (sometimes happens in older hens)

    Good luck and welcome to the chook-mad-house
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


    • #3
      Thanks Maureen

      Just been out and sprayed them all with the vinegar

      Fingers crossed!

      Does anyone know how to stop egg eating as Dominent female laying her eggs and eating them and eating others eggs I need them to stop soon other wise Ingrid and Dorene will start


      • #4
        Originally posted by MaureenHall View Post
        . Is she laying eggs? If not, then she could be either a cockerel or a transexual (sometimes happens in older hens)
        What does that mean how can they be transexual


        • #5
          Originally posted by ChickenMad View Post
          What does that mean how can they be transexual
          Sometimes a chicken will develop as a female, the something happens, like a damaged ovary, for example, and it turns into a fella. There are other causes too. Best one I read this week was about a Rooster in Italy that started laying, and trying to incubate eggs, after all his hens were killed!!!!
          Last edited by Glutton4...; 23-05-2010, 09:22 PM.
          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ChickenMad View Post

            Does anyone know how to stop egg eating as Dominent female laying her eggs and eating them and eating others eggs I need them to stop soon other wise Ingrid and Dorene will start
            Roll away nest boxes; darken nest boxes so she can't see the eggs, mustard/chilli filled eggs, pot eggs......etc
            Lots of threads on this if you do a search.
            A difficult habit to break though.
            Last edited by Suechooks; 23-05-2010, 10:29 PM.


            • #7
              The darkened nestboxes(cardboard boxes on their side)seems to be working for us...touch wood

              As for the pecking,I'd go with what Maureen suggested and try separating them but so they're still adjacent to each other.Not only will it give them a bit of time to get used to each other but also the littler one will have a bit of time to grow and hopefully be in a better position to fend for herself.

              Another hint I picked up from here was to pick up the Bully and walk around with her under your arm to try and bring her down a peg or two.

              If it's any consolation,when we first introduced 'Roo'(our soppy Gentle Giant Brahma)I thought they were never going to leave her alone...whenever she tried to eat they'd peck at way was she allowed to dust bathe...she spent most of her days looking utterly miserable on the top of a tyre,her little safe haven.
              A few months on and although she still doesn't seem to have any actual friends,they've really calmed down on the bullying and she was even allowed to share a strung up PSB plant at the weekend

              Last edited by di; 23-05-2010, 11:43 PM.
              the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

              Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


              • #8
                i agree with maureen hall, seperate them so they can look at each other, but not mix. chicken identify with the first things they see when they are born, so sometimes, if they havent seen a differnet colour or breed, they attack it. when you finally allow them all to mix together, put them together last thing at night, as it helps them to accept the newcomers, also, if there is a size differance,put in something that the smaller chicken can get undre, but which the larger chicken cannot. i would dspend several weeks seperating them, before i put them in together.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
                  , mustard/chilli filled eggs
                  We tried that but now they like the taste of it and still eat them


                  • #10
                    Just seprated them :S they bigger one of the two has a cut on the top of his head should i sperate him form the other smaller ginger one aswell????


                    • #11
                      If you can make sure the one with the cut has a buddy separated with it - preferably one who won't cause any damage. Have you got any purple spray (Gentian violet or aloe vera purple spray) - if so put some on the cut - it's antiseptic and should deter the others from pecking it.


                      • #12
                        thanl you very much i will get my folks on the cause


                        • #13
                          If your 'boss hen' is a confirmed egg eater, AND attacking the newcomers, I would give real consideration to the idea of culling her. Not only would it reduce the risk of the others eating eggs as well, it would disrupt the pecking order, and that would very probably allow the newcomers to get accepted.
                          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                          • #14
                            Also when you do put them fully in together (at night and spraying them all etc..) if at all possible let them out into as large a space as possible, I find most extreme bullying occurs first thing and extra space to get away + breakfast helps get past this extra sensitive time of day...

                            What breed is your boss hen? She sounds very dominant!


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