I know on here there have been many posts about the dog that got it....this post is a happy one and about the dog that didnt want it.....
I was busily helping one of the other allotment holders with some water and left my dog as usual tied up on the outside of the open run.
He is usually a bit of a pain, murmuring at the chucks and has been severely told off once before for getting his nose too close by Henna one of my most bossy chickens.
Anyway I returned wondering where he was and fear struck home, he was in the open run sat at the door of the coop and main run......
I ran in counting and checking the birds, still 9 no one looks slightly chewed. wow relief!!
Took the dog back, and praised him for looking after the chucks while I was away. By the looks and I wish I had filmed it, he had herded them into the coop and forbid any of them from crossing the threshold, him included.
What luck from a springer that I really though would have chased and chased until there were no more!
Anyway, they all laid that day, so no stresses.
I was busily helping one of the other allotment holders with some water and left my dog as usual tied up on the outside of the open run.
He is usually a bit of a pain, murmuring at the chucks and has been severely told off once before for getting his nose too close by Henna one of my most bossy chickens.
Anyway I returned wondering where he was and fear struck home, he was in the open run sat at the door of the coop and main run......

I ran in counting and checking the birds, still 9 no one looks slightly chewed. wow relief!!
Took the dog back, and praised him for looking after the chucks while I was away. By the looks and I wish I had filmed it, he had herded them into the coop and forbid any of them from crossing the threshold, him included.
What luck from a springer that I really though would have chased and chased until there were no more!
Anyway, they all laid that day, so no stresses.
