I have a poorly chick
. She's a mille fleur bantam, 7 weeks old so well feathered. She's sitting hunched up, her wings and tail pointing to the ground, with all her feathers on end and breathing hard. She keeps snuggling up to her siblings (for warmth?). Her siblings are fine. They are in a big house and have a run about 5 feet by 5 feet based with wood chips. Its half covered with plastic, so part dry. She isn't eating much or drinking much and just sits with her eyes closed. She's only been like this yesterday but has always been the last out of the house, to feed etc. She was off colour last week (slow and a bit hunched looking) so I wormed them all with Flubenvet and gave them all vits (poultry spice). When I looked at her then she was a bit thin, no obstruction in her crop, can't see what her droppings are like. I put the mother out with the rest of the flock yesterday as she was gagging to go and had started laying and perching again.
I'll try and bring her indoors tonight for some warmth.
Any ideas
I have a poorly chick
I'll try and bring her indoors tonight for some warmth.
Any ideas