I have had my 3 cream legbars for a year now and they are great, - but one of them keeps going broody. The sin-bin works for a couple of weeks only and then she's off again...she isn't aggressive, but is so plaintive about being turfed off the eggs - makes me feel sorry for her. I have found a supplier who will sell me fertile eggs and take back cockerels...so on hearing that I got all excited last night and set her up in her own wee coop. she was ecstatic to find three eggs in a nest and was sitting on them pretty soon afterwards.
Decisions now about fertile eggs for a swap...what breed, how many to get, whether to keep any or sell them on...I was perfectly happy with my three birds, and I like CLs, but this guy doesn't have any CL eggs, if I sourced CLs anywhere else I would have the cockerel problem (and being a veggie and a softie the pot isn't an option). I have a few qs - any advice gratefully recieved -
Firstly, I am hoping it is just about being broody, but my hen has gone, very, very quiet now on her eggs. She is warm and looks well, but she is very, very still, and tranced out - is this normal when they are sitting?
I don't have masses of space so was thinking of just maybe keeping one of the chicks and selling/ rehoming any others when they get bigger...will that work? ie will the youngster of another breed settle in alright with the three older CLs?
I have also heard about broody hens adopting day-old chicks - is this an alternative? - the temptation of just one chicken, and autosexed, eg another CL is great - but don't want to mess about if it isn't pretty much certain to work, failure with that would be horrible...
All advice gratefully recieved.
Decisions now about fertile eggs for a swap...what breed, how many to get, whether to keep any or sell them on...I was perfectly happy with my three birds, and I like CLs, but this guy doesn't have any CL eggs, if I sourced CLs anywhere else I would have the cockerel problem (and being a veggie and a softie the pot isn't an option). I have a few qs - any advice gratefully recieved -
Firstly, I am hoping it is just about being broody, but my hen has gone, very, very quiet now on her eggs. She is warm and looks well, but she is very, very still, and tranced out - is this normal when they are sitting?
I don't have masses of space so was thinking of just maybe keeping one of the chicks and selling/ rehoming any others when they get bigger...will that work? ie will the youngster of another breed settle in alright with the three older CLs?
I have also heard about broody hens adopting day-old chicks - is this an alternative? - the temptation of just one chicken, and autosexed, eg another CL is great - but don't want to mess about if it isn't pretty much certain to work, failure with that would be horrible...
All advice gratefully recieved.