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Help -our chickens keep dying


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  • Help -our chickens keep dying

    Please can anyone help? I am so sad
    We originally had 5 chickens, now only 2.
    The 1st to die was an Amber (2 May) . She was very poorly over a few weeks. She had diarrhoea and very dirty backside. She then got pale and lifeless. She held out for another week just sitting. Then she couldnt stand up and sat in coop for few days. Eventually she died.
    The 2nd a big Speckledy died very suddenly. (This was few weeks after 1st) Speckledy showed no symptons and we found her dead in her nest box. (no sign of an egg stuck either)
    Then yesterday the Sussex died too ! She came out for a feed and drink in the morning and then late morning I went to check for eggs and she was sitting awkwardly in coop. I lifted her up and she was very very hot. I took her to the water but she declined. I put her back in the coop but later she died too.
    Her body remained very very hot for hours after dying. Her vent was clear and no signs of diarrhoea. The only thing was where she had lost her tummy feathers and was bright red - this was very hot and squishy - almost like this was filled with fluid.
    I have looked on websites and it may be cocci or ascites - but the symptons could be so many other diseases too !
    Only one had symptoms and diarrhoea, but all could not stand up on their last day.
    Is this connected?
    Need advise as very sad.
    I dont want to buy anymore until I know what it is.

  • #2
    This is really awful for you and your poor chooks Jellybaby.
    I would suggest you find a vet who has some knowledge of poultry.
    There could be any number of reasons why they're dying and you're absolutley right not to get any more till you know there is no enviromental cause (poison/poisonous plants etc) or disease which could be lingering in the soil. Have you or your neighbours put rat poison down? The birds could have found a dead mouse which has been poisoned.
    Ascites is generally a symptom of disease rather than an illness itself - heart probs and tumours are the main causes.
    Have your birds been wormed? If theyre in a static run there might be a build-up of worms there.
    Those are just some thoughts for you to consider. I'm sure others will come up with other possibilities.
    I do hope you sort this out - it must be heart-breaking losing your girls like that.


    • #3
      I agree with Sue. You really need a vet's diagnosis on this. They can then prescribe appropriate treatment for the rest of your birds.

      Sorry you have so much bad luck.


      • #4
        Welcome to the vine jelleybaby. So sorry to hear about your hens. Did they all come from the same place and have you been in touch with the place where you got them from? I would do as Suechooks and RH suggest and see a vet.


        • #5
          I would take the remaining two to a good bird vet - quickly! I lost two youngish birds to red mite and another to ascites, its very worrying and upsetting when you don't know what's up.
          Good luck!
          Last edited by jessmorris; 07-06-2010, 07:13 PM.


          • #6
            Still anxious

            thank you all for your help.
            i have thoroughly cleaned an disinfected the coop and feeding/dinking areas. They live in a wooden coop so i clean and treat that for lice/mites regularly. They have free range of a large area at bottom of the garden with a few fruit trees for shade but no other plants there. Just mad, gravel and staw. The hens had no mites as I check them and treat them regularly. There are rats living in both overgrown neighbouring gardens. So will ask about posion.
            The local vet said he thought it may have been the heat with Susie but couldnt be sure about the others. Will ask around for poultry friendly vet.


            • #7
              (((((((((((BIG HUG))))))))))))), that's terrible...I don't keep hen's but I felt the need to give you a virtual hug. I hope you can get to the bottom of your hen's plight it must be a big worry, but if I were to offer advice it would be to see a really good vet. Good Luck Jelleybaby. xx


              • #8
                That's really sad and worrying. You must desperately want more but need this sorted. Hope you find out the cause.x
                Gardening forever- housework whenever


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jelleybaby View Post
                  thank you all for your help.
                  i have thoroughly cleaned an disinfected the coop and feeding/dinking areas. They live in a wooden coop so i clean and treat that for lice/mites regularly. They have free range of a large area at bottom of the garden with a few fruit trees for shade but no other plants there. Just mad, gravel and staw. The hens had no mites as I check them and treat them regularly. There are rats living in both overgrown neighbouring gardens. So will ask about posion.
                  The local vet said he thought it may have been the heat with Susie but couldnt be sure about the others. Will ask around for poultry friendly vet.
                  There is a specialist bird vet near Thirsk. He does game birds, cage birds and poultry. I can let you have his details. He also does post mortems for �10 + vat which is worth going for if you're unsure of whats wrong and you're losing a fair number of birds.
                  Good luck!


                  • #10
                    if its heat stress (and in the recent hot weather it could be) then you need to spray the chooks with cold water during the mid day and soak them, that way as they dry off they cool down. they will hate you doing it, but its better than losing them!
                    My Blog


                    • #11
                      How are your remaining hens now JB?


                      • #12
                        So sorry Jelleybaby, what an awful thing to be happening. I hope you get sorted very soon x


                        • #13
                          Chicken PM's

                          Originally posted by jessmorris View Post
                          There is a specialist bird vet near Thirsk. He does game birds, cage birds and poultry. I can let you have his details. He also does post mortems for �10 + vat which is worth going for if you're unsure of whats wrong and you're losing a fair number of birds.
                          Good luck!
                          HI Jess, we are having the same problem, do you have the contact details for this vet?



                          • #14
                            Hi Rob, this thread was started a long time ago. What are the symptoms of your birds. How old are they? How long have you had them? Have they been wormed?


                            • #15
                              Googled and found this Poultry Health Services Ltd, Thirsk, YO7 3JA - RCVS Animal Owners


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