Hi Suzy,
I just moved two broody bantams into new broody houses. I did it quickly at night time and draped a tarpaulin over the run so the house and run were gloomy. They seemed to settle ok so far, the darkness seemed to calm them down a bit. Frustrating though it is, I would save the hen not the eggs. However good luck with it all, and your incubator! Red mites are the very devil and it must have been horrible to see them crawling over your broody.
I just moved two broody bantams into new broody houses. I did it quickly at night time and draped a tarpaulin over the run so the house and run were gloomy. They seemed to settle ok so far, the darkness seemed to calm them down a bit. Frustrating though it is, I would save the hen not the eggs. However good luck with it all, and your incubator! Red mites are the very devil and it must have been horrible to see them crawling over your broody.