Can you help advise me on what manner of hens will be best for our first attempt at chicken keeping?
I have two reputable breeders nearby, one specialises in hybrids such as:
Rhode Rock, Silver Link, Bluebell Maran, light sussex etc. at around £15 each.
The other sells traditional and rare breeds:
Wyandottes, Welsummers, Legbars, Wheaten Marans and Sussex's. Worryingly no price given on website
My dilemma is that we would only like to keep 3 or 4, they would need to be hardy, gentle and long lived as I have 2 children and they would primarily be pets and egg laying is secondary. Not be scared of a little white Jack Russell!
Suitable for free ranging without hopping next door (so not too flighty)!
I have read that hybrids don't live as long but I wonder if thats a significantly less time than pure breeds? I don't feel my skill is up to rehoming ex batts just yet and I really can't afford too many vets fee's. So a good healthy, hardy hen!! Any advice gratefully received.
I have two reputable breeders nearby, one specialises in hybrids such as:
Rhode Rock, Silver Link, Bluebell Maran, light sussex etc. at around £15 each.
The other sells traditional and rare breeds:
Wyandottes, Welsummers, Legbars, Wheaten Marans and Sussex's. Worryingly no price given on website
My dilemma is that we would only like to keep 3 or 4, they would need to be hardy, gentle and long lived as I have 2 children and they would primarily be pets and egg laying is secondary. Not be scared of a little white Jack Russell!
Suitable for free ranging without hopping next door (so not too flighty)!
I have read that hybrids don't live as long but I wonder if thats a significantly less time than pure breeds? I don't feel my skill is up to rehoming ex batts just yet and I really can't afford too many vets fee's. So a good healthy, hardy hen!! Any advice gratefully received.