I bought four five week old aroucana chicks from a breader yesterday, they have been off heat for a few days. Three were fine, but one was quieter than the others. When we got up this morning it was damp, listless, wouldn't eat or drink and had a small injury on its wing. I separated it, put it in a box on a warm wheat pillow and shredded paper and syringed some water in to it's beak that it took. One of its eyes is shut, the other is open. I don't think it will make it, but is there anything I can do to improve it's chances.
I am a new member to this forum so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I also have three ex-bats, three pekins, one japanese bantam all in good health. these chicks are kept separately.
I am a new member to this forum so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I also have three ex-bats, three pekins, one japanese bantam all in good health. these chicks are kept separately.