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I'm a little excited by the possibility of hens!!


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  • I'm a little excited by the possibility of hens!!

    After 3 long months my OH is no nearer completing the hen coop I asked him to make
    This has given me plenty of time to dither regarding breeds of hen, foxes, my Jack Russell, possible terrible medical problems, mites, poisonous plants etc etc I was really beginning to dither myself into getting some ferrets instead (though how they would compare I don't know).
    However my dreams (or nightmares) may be about to come true as all indecision is taken out of my hands. Today, on the demon facebook my cousin has inquired whether I know of anyone who would like to buy her neighbours flock and housing etc. as they are moving to a smaller garden. Well of course it's dependent on price and theres more hens than I would have chosen (7). Apparently the bundle will include:

    4 two year old rescue hens, 3 one year old maran crosses (between them laying about 4 eggs a day), coop, feeders, egg boxes and electric fencing!
    I am assured they will be extremely cheap and I will hopefully know how much later today when neighbours hubbies home.
    So do you think I should take the pre-loved hen route and tell my OH he can turn the pallet house into a dog kennel?
    How much ����s do you think is a good deal?

  • #2
    by all means take them,just have a look to see they are healthy,and i would worm them and delouse their coop,that way you know that you are starting with a clean slate...go get em,you will become very fond of them,as we all do,just enjoy......


    • #3
      Sounds like you've got a package there, but make sure you check them over for problems. Are the 2 older ones ex-batts? They may present you with a few problems later on (see other threads on here) so be prepared. Check them all over for lice and give them a good powdering. Also worm them. Check out the house for red mite too.

      The hens won't be worth much, but what you offer for the house and fencing really depends on what condition it's in.

      Happy hen keeping!


      • #4
        Originally posted by vixfinn View Post
        theres more hens than I would have chosen (7).
        Don't be daft, the more hen's the better... we all start off with "We'll only have 3 or 4", but before long you will be pining for more!

        And seconding what Buffs and Richmond have said, check, clean and dust... start as you mean to go on, you can't go wrong.
        If the price is right, then go for it.

        You can always knock them down a bit too, depends on how eager they are to rehome the girls.


        • #5
          Yes the 4x 2yr old hens are ex batts, so perhaps I will have 4 doddery old ladies to care for! Not exactly what I had in mind but if they can have a happy couple more years with me then I'm OK with that. Once a price is agreed I can visit them all in situ and I'll have a good nose around for pests, illness etc. What in particular should I be looking for?
          I think they have wormer and powders included with the rest of the chook stuff plus some sort of electric door.


          • #6
            "Don't be daft, the more hen's the better..."
            I'm not sure Mr Vix will think so!!


            • #7
              That's what my hubby said as well to start with, he was the instigator in the last batch that we took on. We had 5 (2 of which we were fostering until they went to their new home), so needed to up the numbers. I was only going to get 2 or 3 more, hubby stepped in and said 6

              Well, you could of knocked me down with a feather! But as soon as Mr Vix gets used to home grown egg's, he will be converted.


              • #8
                I will keep everything crossed! Will mention it in passing when he's on his way out the door to work tomorrow


                • #9
                  Well they've been in touch and want �250.....which I think is a little steep for me. I know the kit and hens cost over �550 new but if I'm patient I know I could be set up with my pallet coop and hens for less than that. Maybe its time to dither some more! Will attempt to haggle and see what happens.


                  • #10
                    I dunno what others may think, but I think it's worth 200 if you get the auto pophole and electric fencing. But it depends if you really think you need these 2 things.
                    Don't forget all this little bits you need soon add up, as they say it's the initial outlay of hen keeping that is the expensive part. After that, it's plain sailing (with the exception of illness')

                    Just play around with some figures in your mind, ie feeder's, drinkers, bedding, house, run, then you got feed, grit, and other little things - oops forgot the girl's aswell! Buying it as a whole will take the stress out it all.


                    • #11
                      Some will say 'You can buy a lot of eggs for that!'

                      I will say 'Go for it!' I know what it cost to set up my lot (Mr. G. doesn't! ). Auto opening door is worth the money, you don't ever have to worry about letting them out or shutting them up. I also think things like electric fence are worth the expense, but others will disagree.
                      Last edited by Glutton4...; 05-07-2010, 10:52 PM.
                      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                      • #12
                        I can see where you're all coming from, I just don't think I can rustle up anywhere near �250. The fence or fences are 25m and 50m, I certainly wouldn't need the larger one. I would have to buy an energiser and battery as theirs is broken, I looked them up and that will be nearly �100 for the two. The electric fence would be handy as it comes as part of the package but I was going to get Mr Vix to make me an enclosed run to go with the incomplete pallet coop out of some tree fencing he can get hold of at work. Unfortunately the coop has been at the same stage of incompletion for the last 3 months so I don't expect anything to progress anytime soon
                        I do think they're asking a fair price but I'm rubbish at haggling and in one go I can only afford a maximum of �180 later this month (preferably less). Do you think they might laugh if I offered them that??
                        Incedently, saw some piccys of the hens in the snow on facebook and the ex batts are beautiful looking hens.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vixfinn View Post
                          I can see where you're all coming from, I just don't think I can rustle up anywhere near �250. The fence or fences are 25m and 50m, I certainly wouldn't need the larger one........ .
                          If you have seven hens you will need the larger one. You probably don't need both the fences but seven in half that space would be a bit short changed on space and the ground would get trashed.

                          I think �250 is a fair price too, but if you can't afford it then so be it.


                          • #14
                            I personally would use the cost of replacing the energiser and batteries as a bargaining tool. Well i'm known from being tight than a duck's behind.

                            You might be able to get away with offering less with these bits in not working order. But it's all a matter of preference.


                            • #15
                              Good idea Sheena, I may try that They've reduced it to �200 with no prompting from me as the hubby says the coop is a bit worn
                              Also considering the hens are approaching their "retirement" I'd imagine (not sure if they've had the ex -batts for 2 years since rescuing them or they are only 2 years old), so in essence they would be purely pets. I was thinking I'd need a couple more layers to help them pay for themselves. Will ring her today and enquire about the size of the coop!
                              Apparently at the moment they are getting 4 eggs a day between all 7.
                              Incidently, how would an electric fence effect the wild birds who may land on it? I imagine I would only need to electrify it at night in which case it would be mostly used as a standard fence. Also toddler with busy fingers in house who touched a lit candle yesterday to see what happened


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