Starting to construct a run for my 1st foray into keeping chickens.
I know I have a female fox in the area as I see her some mornings gliding through my garden. She does have an occasional wood pidgeon/collared dove andd does her bit to keep their numbers to an acceptable level so its never been a problem up until now.
This got me thinking about enclosing the run with a electric fence.
Problem is, I have a rescued dog (terrier) with a very nervous disposition(unless its the postman or she can sense a rat), and I wouldn't want her touching the fence even once (I would need to carry her into the garden for months afterwards if not for years). There is also a hedgehog about.
So after much deliberation -------
Why not build the run as planned with a electric fence around the perimeter,but then put a picket fence around that(say for arguments sake 1.5 feet away) This second fence need only be 18" high.Tall enough to stop my dog, boards on picket fence close enough together to stop hedge hog.

It would work, wouldn't it ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then I changed the design of the run, and that idea has been shelved for now.
But is this feasable?
I may come back to it later.
This is hard work, all this thinking!
I know I have a female fox in the area as I see her some mornings gliding through my garden. She does have an occasional wood pidgeon/collared dove andd does her bit to keep their numbers to an acceptable level so its never been a problem up until now.

This got me thinking about enclosing the run with a electric fence.
Problem is, I have a rescued dog (terrier) with a very nervous disposition(unless its the postman or she can sense a rat), and I wouldn't want her touching the fence even once (I would need to carry her into the garden for months afterwards if not for years). There is also a hedgehog about.
So after much deliberation -------
Why not build the run as planned with a electric fence around the perimeter,but then put a picket fence around that(say for arguments sake 1.5 feet away) This second fence need only be 18" high.Tall enough to stop my dog, boards on picket fence close enough together to stop hedge hog.

It would work, wouldn't it ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then I changed the design of the run, and that idea has been shelved for now.
But is this feasable?
I may come back to it later.
This is hard work, all this thinking!