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Quite Simply, Chook Chat


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  • Black eggs...picis? Sounds vveeerrryy strange.
    Just been trying to do some catching up after not being on here for yonks. Just things in general ganging up on us. Sounds like things are as normal as it ever gets on here.
    I've had a fuzzy visitor and lost all my silkies, and my favourite cockeral...damn and blast. And one of Al's favourite chicks has turned out to be a cockeral, he'll have to go. And I've got two lovely barred wyandotte bantam cockerals (one is definately a show boy) who will end up as dinner soon as I haven't found a home for them.
    Other than that all is well with the chooks. My blue orps are now full grown, and I think I may try to hatch some eggs this year, and some copper black marans. But I'm still hard pushed for room so that will have to be it.
    Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


    • Oh its hilly- not the silkies - boo hoo. I am in Cumbria at Easter- remind me nearer the time and I will bring you some silkie eggs(they will be white or gold or black) to hatch.(swap for blue orps eggs?!!!)


      • Ho ho, and who is going to remind me to remind you..LOL
        I'd love that if I can get the stupid things penned and laying before then, at the moment the hens are loose and the cock is in my b****y boys pen . I think two of the hens are laying, but it's hard to tell when they are all running out together.
        It would be the silkies of course, I'd waited years to get some.
        Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


        • Yep, its always the way. and they are such sweet, fluffy little things. Ah well, eggs can solve this problem.


          • Glad you're back IH, wondered where you'd gone!


            • Hello Petal,
              can you bring any prize winning bantam Russian orloff eggs with you when you come?! ;-)) (I'm near Cumbria...)


              • Ha! don't have any of them- they are fab tho'!


                • Talking of strange...
                  I've been reading the catalogue for this Saturday at Carlisle, and there are some Ayam Cemani chickens for sale.
                  Never heard of them? No, me neither. So Gooooogle later, and they are black.
                  Not so strange? But I mean BLACK!! Black feathers, black COMB, black legs....

                  Only hope I can get there to see them.
                  Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                  • Sorry to hear about your Silkies Hilly.
                    You'd be the person to ask for advice re. keeping them I guess. I'm hoping to get a trio very soon. What type of feed do they like? Thinking pellets would be a bit big for little beaks. Any hints or tips?
                    Gardening forever- housework whenever


                    • silkies are classified as large fowl. Pellets are just fine (unless you are getting miniature silkies. ) eg: our growers of 4 months are on growers pellets. The only thing with silkies is- you have to be patient with them as they get under your feet(their hair do covers their eyes!)


                      • Ho ho Petal, you are so right. They are such nosy little so'n'sos. Mine were very friendly.
                        Actually being classed as large fowl is a touch misleading Lettucegrow. They aren't as huge as, say, sussex. But they certainly aren't as small as wyandotte bantams either.
                        Just treat as any other chook and they'll be fine, except they do need some cover, as although they are a lot tougher than they look, the fluffiness means they get soaked faster than normal chooks. And in wet conditions underfoot they tend to get mud balling up around their toes and feet, again because they have silky feathers there. But mine free-ranged with bigger birds with no problems, and not bad layers apart from winter. Just had to keep an eye on their feet as the bit of f-i-l's fieldwhere the coops are gets really mucky in wet weather.
                        Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                        • Darn- we have a crower!

                          First crow this morning!

                          We had been wondering about this one- he's a cross Light Sussex, tiny cayenne bantam.
                          Hatched mid October, one of 3. Completely new bloodline for us.
                          His siblings are hopefully both female but one could be a submissive male.
                          Pity really as he's the first speckled dark grey we've had -and his colouring is a refreshing change from variations on a theme of 'brown'
                          Ah well- one for the pot when he's a bit bigger

                          ps- he's got a lovely funny attempt at a crow at the moment- can't but put a grin on yr face when you listen to his efforts!!!
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • I love chucking a large pile of mulch on the flower bed and letting my ladies do the work spreading it. Hopefully also distracts them for a brief spell from munching spring shoots!


                            • Originally posted by its hilly View Post
                              Talking of strange...
                              I've been reading the catalogue for this Saturday at Carlisle, and there are some Ayam Cemani chickens for sale.
                              Never heard of them? No, me neither. So Gooooogle later, and they are black.
                              Not so strange? But I mean BLACK!! Black feathers, black COMB, black legs....

                              Only hope I can get there to see them.
                              They were amazing! They went for �250 for a trio.... Mr OWG was very tempted!!


                              • sumatrans are black too, and cheaper!


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