I am amazed at the difference between my little girls to the oldies. The 6 oldies, 2 at 2 and 1/2 and 4 at 1 and 1/2 were all POL when we got them and the 2 little ones 22 weeks (ish) we got at 10 days old. Little Chilli and Pepper are soooo much tamer they run up to me and stand on my feet! They even let little munch pick them up! They others although most of them quite friendly they wont let you pick them up with out a chase!
(please note.... I do not chase my chickens around my garden for fun!).
G4 at the risk of making at T*t out of myself..... here goes anyway! Asbo is a boy right? is he mixed with your girls? Surely that means you cant eat the eggs????
Shall I get my coat?

G4 at the risk of making at T*t out of myself..... here goes anyway! Asbo is a boy right? is he mixed with your girls? Surely that means you cant eat the eggs????
Shall I get my coat?
