I had to rehome a young Bantam Cockerel for a friend last week, as it had started to crow, she bought it as an unsexed chick, along with another. He's very happy in his new home with another friend's assorted Hens. Yesterday, I had to go and collect the other one, which is a Hen, as it was being attacked severely by the bigger Hens when it was introduced (they're in a very small run
So, last night I bunged her in with my lot - all 22 of them!
Just popped her in an empty nest-box and this morning she came out and ate with the rest. She's getting funny looks, as she's different to all my others ( I have 10 Batts, and four lots of 3 different types and now an odd 1
) Luckily, there's plenty of room, so she can keep out of their way if they approach her. She's gone out on the grass with them, and seems quite happy! Fingers crossed!!

So, last night I bunged her in with my lot - all 22 of them!
