Have you got a dog crate? I use one as a broody sin-bin. Just site it in the run, where she can see and talk to the others, but out of any draughts. Cover it with something waterproof, and put layers pellets and water in. Shut her in it, and leave her there for four days and nights. You may have to do it for a week with a bully. Good luck!
I've just been out and extended my girls' patch, so they have access to some grass for the winter. Not easy with two boinging dogs wanting to 'help' I can tell you!
Idiot dog was allowed in with me and the Chooks for a while, on condition he didn't chase them, and after one wallop he got the message. After a while though, the ruddy Chooks decided it was fun to stalk him, so peace didn't last more than about half an hour - which I thought was very good, really. Definitely an improvement - maybe the Idiot is finally growing up!!
I've just been out and extended my girls' patch, so they have access to some grass for the winter. Not easy with two boinging dogs wanting to 'help' I can tell you!
