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Quite Simply, Chook Chat


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  • Well my last lot are 7 weeks old now and growing like weeds.
    RH, I think I've beggered up your early=boys theory. Unless end of April is later than most people set eggs?
    5 Silver Sussex, 1 boy 4 girls.
    5 Maran hybrids (these are from the hens that were sold as Silver Sussex, but laid brown eggs, eventually I looked at them properly and realised that they were either speckeldys or maran/sussex x) 1 MASSIVE boy and 4 huge girls.
    3 barred wyandotte bantys, 2 boys 1 really super girl (typical, really wanted more girls of these)
    3 cuckoo wyandotte bantys, 1 boy 1 girl and 1 can't make my mind up yet
    And G4 I promise to take some picis soon and upload them.
    Sure I'm not the only one who doesn't have time to breathe at the mo
    Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


    • well, one of the turkey chicks hatched under the buff orpington has managed to commit suicide - down to 2. it scrabbled under a hole and went for a run- found it half dead in the colder evening. Stupid things turkeys...


      • I went chicken shopping today! Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum. I visited two breeders, the first was just awful, a back garden just stuffed with tiny pens of different breeds all itching and twitching, scaley leg, black squits, the works! Just couldn't wait to get out of there. The second, a completely different set up, specialist maran breeder who just loved each and every one of the birds and took time and trouble to take me round everything, catch pullets up for me to look at etc, had a lovely natter. Came back with two French copper marans and one cuckoo maran. Lovely healthy glossy little birds, I am really pleased with them.


        • I saw a lovely lady the other night on my Silkie hunt. Was there ages but she didnt have what I was after. I like it when people are not afraid to show you where their hens/dogs whatever live and breed and are so proud to show you around that you cant get away and have to make a run for it in the end!! She had a few different breeds but they were all lovely and in nice housing and runs.


          • she wants to watch someone doesn't nick them all! You can't be too careful - sad fact of life!
            I thought I had found my cayuga ducks locally today until i phoned up and found out the air head selling them wanted �13 for each 2 week old unsexed duckling - nutter! I pointed out to her that a full grown trio is usually around �45. They weren't even from her own stock - bought in eggs(probably flea bay)so could grow into muscovies for all she would know!! I have probably just ruined someone's aspirations to become a profitable poultry breeder!!!!! anyrate, anyone know of a nice cayuga duck trio?!


            • Well what a disappointment! Poor Silkie has sat for four and a half weeks on 2 goose eggs and for 23 days on 2 RIR eggs. Nothing - zero- zilch!
              Opened the eggs last night - goose eggs not fertile (this was not unexpected - we were doing a trial hatch for a mate) one RIR clear and t'other looked like it had started but died in first week or so and WOW did it STINK
              Silkie's back in with her mates again and OMG another one is sitting flattened in the nest box glowering at me whenever I go in there!
              Now what next.........................................................................!!!!!!!!?


              • I believe Silkie soup is something of a delicacy...............


                • Have taken on a young Bluebell hen from an inexperienced keeper who was having trouble with her bullying all the others. She is actually very sweet and laid a huge egg yesterday. I'm rather looking forward to seeing how she performs through the winter as most of my pure breeds will be having a rest.
                  Last edited by RichmondHens; 15-07-2011, 01:30 PM.


                  • I had one who did that and I rehomed her in an established flock where she continues to lay beautiful big brown eggs and has never been a bit of trouble! Mind you they do have my lovely Dave to keep them in order( my avatar)!


                    • Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
                      I had one who did that and I rehomed her in an established flock where she continues to lay beautiful big brown eggs and has never been a bit of trouble! Mind you they do have my lovely Dave to keep them in order( my avatar)!

                      What a great name - Dave - Love it!


                      • Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
                        I had one who did that and I rehomed her in an established flock where she continues to lay beautiful big brown eggs and has never been a bit of trouble! Mind you they do have my lovely Dave to keep them in order( my avatar)!
                        I think that's the key to dealing with bullies - put them in an established flock where they automatically are bottom of the pecking order as they are new. This hen was one of 8 new girls the lady had recently bought and was obviously asserting herself as the dominant hen. I've put her in with two cocks and some older hens who have feisty characters of their own so I very much doubt she will get a chance to revert to her old ways. Interestingly though she has not backed down and has very much stood her ground when the others have tested her out, so she is made of strong stuff.


                        • Originally posted by polo View Post
                          What a great name - Dave - Love it!
                          After Cameron! There were 3 - Dave, Clegg and Gordon! Gordon was, Clegg went down the road and Dave stayed a while, then went to Anglesey with Blue.


                          • Another disappointing hatch! 6 ebay Hubbard eggs - she chucked one out a week ago but still sat tight on remainder so I was hopeful. However today is day 24 and nothing so have opened them. 1 DIS and the remainder clear. Poor thing has sat there for 4 weeks first on golf balls and then on empty eggs. Where to next?


                            • That's annoying! For you and hen alike!!


                              • i could give you a load of guaranteed to hatch eggs next time you are out our way!!


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