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  • Originally posted by petal View Post
    i could give you a load of guaranteed to hatch eggs next time you are out our way!!
    Just a shame we're so far away Petal!
    I'm thinking of trying once more this year as one of the reliable Silkies is growling and pecky so am about to email a recommended supplier of Hubbard eggs.


    • It's been a funny year for hatching hasn't it? My fertile geese didn't hatch a thing, my wyandottes have sat twice each and had two chicks out of about thirty eggs (total not per hatch ) t'silkies have hatched nowt.
      In fact the only hatch I've had was from the eggs I collected and put in the inci. I'm not bothered mind as with changing jobs and other stuff I'm up to my eyeballs, and numbers limit too for now.
      Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


      • I reckon its the moody weather hot rain hot rain.....we have hardly anything really, apart form ducklings......


        • Earlier in the season I had some results. 5/6 3/6 3/6 and more recently 6/6 under a young broody.


          • another silkie gone broody!(Snowy) I think I will pop silver laced wyandotte eggs under her. The gold silkie(Custard) with the fabulous white pekin boy(a keeper) is still nurturing him, the gold silkie cockerel(Rhubarb) is loving to him too. any names for the the white pekin boy anyone?


            • Originally posted by petal View Post
              another silkie gone broody!(Snowy) I think I will pop silver laced wyandotte eggs under her. The gold silkie(Custard) with the fabulous white pekin boy(a keeper) is still nurturing him, the gold silkie cockerel(Rhubarb) is loving to him too. any names for the the white pekin boy anyone?


              • Sugar?
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • sugar is quite a sweet name actually!meringue?


                  • You couldn't make it up! I've had broody after broody this summer - never a week without at least one growly pecky feather ball fussing around the run and sometimes one with a self satisfied grin sitting on eggs. So after the ebay egg fiasco I sent off to a recommended souce for eggs which will arrive today. And guess what not a single solitary growl or pecky fluffball in sight! Couldn't you just scream! I wanted to hatch these under a broody to keep myself detached as they are purely for meat, and I find the ones hatched here at home are much easier to get to know and recognise. I've put pot eggs and golf balls in all the nest areas and hidey holes in the run so hope to encourage someone that sitting is a really good idea!
                    Ah well get out the incy and hope someone goes broody in the next 3 weeks to act as a hatcher and rearer!


                    • You couldn't make it up!

                      I've had broody after broody this summer - never a week without at least one growly pecky feather ball fussing around the run and sometimes one with a self satisfied grin sitting on eggs. So after the ebay egg fiasco I sent off to a recommended souce for eggs which will arrive today. And guess what not a single solitary growl or pecky fluffball in sight! Couldn't you just scream! I wanted to hatch these under a broody to keep myself detached as they are purely for meat, and I find the ones hatched here at home are much easier to get to know and recognise. I've put pot eggs and golf balls in all the nest areas and hidey holes in the run so hope to encourage someone that sitting is a really good idea!
                      Ah well get out the incy and hope someone goes broody in the next 3 weeks to act as a hatcher and rearer!


                      • yep, typical isn't it? Our orpington has been broody/raising chicks since April- I think I have had the grand total of 3 eggs from her this season!!!! going to do one last hatch this year in the incubator- pekins, silkies, silver laced wyandotte bantams and perhaps some bought in eggs- different coloured orpingtons, gold brahma, sussex?


                        • One of my pekins hatched eggs 10 weeks ago, was crouching every time she saw me until yesterday. Found her sitting on 2 eggs today, her own and one she stole while another broody took a break. She shrieked at me when I returned the stolen eggs and removed hers. I removed her from the nest and after a quick run around and pecking another hen she rushed back. I suppose I should feel sorry for her as she is a martyr to her hormones, but she insists on letting everyone know about it.


                          • Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                            Decided on merry, as we have pippin the gold partridge pekin boy- he needs a partner in crime!When we get the black one we will call it Sam.(erm as in the hobbits...)
                            Last edited by petal; 29-07-2011, 07:50 AM.


                            • Originally posted by petal View Post
                              Decided on merry, as we have pippin the gold partridge pekin boy- he needs a partner in crime!When we get the black one we will call it Sam.(erm as in the hobbits...)
                              Our son had gerbils called Merry and Pippin. I think the latin name for Gerbil is Meryonides or something...
                              Last edited by Flummery; 29-07-2011, 11:02 AM.
                              Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                     Updated March 9th - Spring


                              • Shhhhh - don't tell anyone, but I'm collecting ten new (recycled) 'Laydees' tomorrow!
                                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


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