We woke up this morning very early to the ladies wanting out (5.15am is a record for them, usually its about 6.30!!) so we dutifully got up and let the girls out so they didnt wake the whole neighbourhood up!
30 mins later i heard them making and almighty racket and looked out the window to find that a great big fox was trying to get into the coop!!!! my OH flew down the stairs and out to the garden in a bid to save them which thankfully he did and no harm was caused to them. but i have been staring out the window all morning as the bloody thing keeps coming back!!!!
the girls have been locked up in the inner run now (coops is one of those ones that comes with the worlds smallest run so OH customised it and added on an extenstion) and are grumbling away about it. He also took a few extra security measures and has made sure that the run and coop are securely attached and has made a makeshift brick wall at the back so as it cant chew its way thru.
My question to all you lovely chicken keepers is - how do i stop it coming back? now it knows they are there im going to presume that it will keep coming back untill its gotten them?
we live in an urban neighbourhood and shooting it isnt an option. we have bought a trap but im unsure of how effective it will be. any advice would be great!
Gem xx
30 mins later i heard them making and almighty racket and looked out the window to find that a great big fox was trying to get into the coop!!!! my OH flew down the stairs and out to the garden in a bid to save them which thankfully he did and no harm was caused to them. but i have been staring out the window all morning as the bloody thing keeps coming back!!!!
the girls have been locked up in the inner run now (coops is one of those ones that comes with the worlds smallest run so OH customised it and added on an extenstion) and are grumbling away about it. He also took a few extra security measures and has made sure that the run and coop are securely attached and has made a makeshift brick wall at the back so as it cant chew its way thru.
My question to all you lovely chicken keepers is - how do i stop it coming back? now it knows they are there im going to presume that it will keep coming back untill its gotten them?
we live in an urban neighbourhood and shooting it isnt an option. we have bought a trap but im unsure of how effective it will be. any advice would be great!
Gem xx
