My usually pleasant natured Amber has been running about beaking eveyone's neck like Atilla the Hen the last few days. She has gone broody for ther third time this year. She usually comes out of it within a couple of days but she's hormonal and cross! She's bullying the others something chronic. She hasn't laid for the last 2 days. I don't want to put eggs under her - I'm not prepared to cope with fellas. I've been turfing her out of the nest box and shutting the coop door the last 2 days. She's eating and scratching around but is an absolute pain to the others.
My question is - do other people's frustrated broodies end up uber-maniacs - or is it just my Amber?
My question is - do other people's frustrated broodies end up uber-maniacs - or is it just my Amber?