Hello there,
I checked my newbies this morning and while cleaning the backside of one noticed a big scab below the vent. Is this where the umbilical cord is attached? (is it called that on poultry?). Its like a small black knob, looks like dried blood. Doesn't seem to worry the chick which is a very small and slightly weak one. I have attached pics above. The vent area is wet because I've just cleaned the chick up. Any comments/help welcome. Am I supposed to do anything with it? By the way I checked the next smallest chick and it also had one of these, but smaller. The biggest chick didn't have one that I could see. They're not a great batch as chicks go, not their fault but they are wildly different sizes and two look quite weak...poor little things (ebay).

Hello there,
I checked my newbies this morning and while cleaning the backside of one noticed a big scab below the vent. Is this where the umbilical cord is attached? (is it called that on poultry?). Its like a small black knob, looks like dried blood. Doesn't seem to worry the chick which is a very small and slightly weak one. I have attached pics above. The vent area is wet because I've just cleaned the chick up. Any comments/help welcome. Am I supposed to do anything with it? By the way I checked the next smallest chick and it also had one of these, but smaller. The biggest chick didn't have one that I could see. They're not a great batch as chicks go, not their fault but they are wildly different sizes and two look quite weak...poor little things (ebay).