Yesterday we brought home 2 new gorgeous hens, a light sussex and a 'bluebell' hen to add to our flock called Sophie and Hedwig. We are quite new chicken owners (3 months approx) and brought our four from Omlet with a Eglu cube.
Despite the farm owner's comments that the older will peck them at the start I was completely convinced that they would all get on like a house on fire as they are so gentle and soppy with no sign of a pecking order. (When I stroke one called Edwina she shuts her eyes and makes a cooing noise
) So I was shocked when Phoebe, a very shy chicken started bullying Hedwig. At the moment we are keeping them mainly separate during the day, with the older free outside and the new in the run and put them together at night. Is it best to keep them separate as much as poss for the time being to get the new hens used to their home? Or should I let them get together more and sort out the order. Also do you think they will they eventually all become friendly with each other as my original four were, and if you have any tips please post.
Despite the farm owner's comments that the older will peck them at the start I was completely convinced that they would all get on like a house on fire as they are so gentle and soppy with no sign of a pecking order. (When I stroke one called Edwina she shuts her eyes and makes a cooing noise
