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I feel sick


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  • I feel sick

    Headlines in our local paper "Vandals kill chickens in wrecking spree". On another allotment site about 2 miles fom mine, someone has had hens necks wrung and chicks drowned.
    I just can't believe anyone is that sick but obviously they are. Having had 2 lots stolen already I live in fear of finding something like this EVERY morning when I go to open up.
    According to our paper the police and council are "working to bring the culprits to justice". I just hope they take it more seriously than they took the theft of mine when the sergeant said "Seems a lot of trouble to go to for a couple of hundred pounds"! They then offered me victim support - 3 times! Wish they'd put their energy into finding the culprits.
    Any suggestions for increased security on my plot would be most welcome as unfortunately I have no room to keep my chooks at home.

  • #2
    i dont have any ideas on security, except maybe rigging up a personal alarm with the peg attatched to string, all hidden, and boobytrap the door to your run. the noise might deter anyone , if they set it off, and they wouldnt hang about to find it was not connected to any security network. i just cant stand this sort of crime, and sympathise with how worrying it must be. unfortuneately the punishments aren't very severe for this sort of thing either. slapped wrist, warning, and councilling probably, maybe a fine.


    • #3
      I have found out that they think the vandalism was carried out by some teenagers who had been seen hanging about the site. The police patrolled the site "for a couple of nights after" but haven't done since then.
      I have pretty good security already after previous thefts but I've contacted the local community police to ask for further advice and to try and ensure the site is patrolled as part of their beat as agreed in the Neighbourhood watch scheme! Some hopes!


      • #4
        OMG Didn't ted bundy start off his 'career' by torturing animals? These teenagers are likely to be future murderers.


        • #5
          This is really horrible, you must be really worried. I know what we'd all like to suggest.....
          Gardening forever- housework whenever


          • #6
            How about getting electric fencing? high voltage at night of course.....


            • #7
              Originally posted by petal View Post
              How about getting electric fencing? high voltage at night of course.....
              I've already got it Petal! There's also a guy (ex-para) on the site who lives almost overlooking my plot so some audible alarms might be in order! Wouldn't fancy the chances of anyone he caught!


              • #8
                How awful Sue. Fingers crossed yours will be safe.


                • #9
                  We had a horrific incident on a lottie site but it was ducks and geese that they tortured. The despicable B@$�@%&$ that did it were caught , and have been prosecuted . They got sent down . I think the RSPCA were involved in the prosecution as well .
                  S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                  a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                  You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                  • #10
                    My chooks are also on my lottie but its pretty secure.....mind you this all gives me food for thought. I would hate my ladies to suffer at the hands of sick idiots.


                    • #11
                      This happened to my allotment neighbour he has since packed up as he says he cannot in good faith put the lives of animals in danger


                      • #12
                        Next time there is any hint of trouble call the police and when they say "we don't have any officers in the area" tell them NOT to bother coming as you have a "shotgun", any bets on how many micro-seconds it will take for at least twenty of them to arrive at your plot?

                        When they start to rant and rave about the shotgun that you DON'T have remind them about the officers they claimed not to have when you called!


                        • #13
                          On my way to Wynnstay Farmers to buy some Alarm mines and alarmed padlocks! Can't think of any more I can do - other than move in to the shed armed with a shotgun that is! Now there's an idea...........................................................!!
                          GrahamK - we are encouraged to contact the police (by the council AND the police themselves) so they can log enough problems and then they will put CCTV cameras up. I've had 2 thefts of chooks and got them here both times.
                          Last edited by Suechooks; 19-08-2010, 09:48 AM.


                          • #14
                            the way its going,there wont be any police left to answer calls,then it will be "look after your own", when one or two little sh...s get some old fashioned lessons in respect,then there will suddenly be money for more officers,but what damage/harm will be done in the old enough to recall getting a thick ear off a bobby for misbehaving,i dont suppose theres any chance of that being brought back, the h&s lot would ban it in case the poor men(?) hurt their little heart goes out to those whose chooks are at risk,i wish you all good fortune..


                            • #15
                              Something similar happened to this a few years back in an allotment near me when I was about 14, a group of indescribably evil people cut the heads of the chickens there.

                              I want to ring their necks with my bear hands. Not wanting to sound so violent but I was so upset about the story here and where you are I think if I met the 'human' that did this I would actually murder them. Seriously.

                              What is wrong with people???????


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