heard a chicken 'fuss' yesterday morning so went over to make sure everyone ok and arrived just in time to see the lovely Gladys being dragged away by her neck by a very bold creature - which now think is probably a mink... our land backs onto woods and there's a stream too and apparently there's been other reports of mink in the area...
My husband got in and managed to get Gladys from said mink but it was too late to do anything to save her... poor girl..
Have secured my remaining three girls in their inside secure area and we've bought some additional fencing to put up around their outside (not so) secure area - this thing seems to have got in through the usual chicken fence???
Big concern is that it was day light and mink (pretty sure it WAS a mink) wasn't really in a rush to get away from my husband and I, very bold...
Anything else we can do???
So sad
heard a chicken 'fuss' yesterday morning so went over to make sure everyone ok and arrived just in time to see the lovely Gladys being dragged away by her neck by a very bold creature - which now think is probably a mink... our land backs onto woods and there's a stream too and apparently there's been other reports of mink in the area...
My husband got in and managed to get Gladys from said mink but it was too late to do anything to save her... poor girl..
Have secured my remaining three girls in their inside secure area and we've bought some additional fencing to put up around their outside (not so) secure area - this thing seems to have got in through the usual chicken fence???
Big concern is that it was day light and mink (pretty sure it WAS a mink) wasn't really in a rush to get away from my husband and I, very bold...
Anything else we can do???
So sad
