Well from googling images/reading about it, it appears one of our hybrid ladies has it and we were wondering if any of you had any experience of treating it?
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I have never seen it in any of my chickens but have heard of it.
Usually caused by a cut on the foot where the bacteria enters. This in turn causes an infection, the chicken may also have a high temperature which should be treated with antibiotics. I would visit a vet if possible.
If you are not able to visit a vet I would treat it like you would a cut or sore on yourself. Clean the area with salt water/antiseptic as often as possible. Apply some antiseptic cream/ or powder and try to cover to keep the dirt out.
I had a chicken a long time ago that survived a fox attack, I used dry penicillin powder on the wounds. It worked a treat although I have only ever been able to purchase this from a vet.Last edited by Scarlet; 17-09-2010, 08:53 AM.
One of our light sussex has had this. We soaked her foot in warm salt water to loosen scab. pus flowed out. Then we rinsed area in hibiscrub, i made a poultice of liquified: garlic, calendula petals, comfrey, then wrapped area with animalintex(hot) used an elastic bandage to secure. You can get hibiscrub and animalintex from a horse saddlery. A vet could not have done any better!!!
I also used animalintex on my hens foot put it on quite hot and then left it for 3 days did this twice more with good recovery hen nolonger limping just a note check your other hens as 2 more of mine had lumpy feet as well kept mine in place with sellotape only thing i found that she couldnt peck off
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