I've just creosoted the inside of the bike shed I'm converting into a coop. i've then just added a new floor in (chipboard flooring used in houses) - sealed with silicone. I've not yet creosoted this yet, should I leave it?
Reason I'm asking is I've just read about creosote tainting eggs if they lay on the floor directly?
I am planning on raising the platform for the nestboxes, so it's off the floor (as the shed is old -want to do as much as poss to keep damp out).
I also creosoted it because even after pressure washing it, there was still loads of woodlice (can chicken eat them ok btw?), and other lice in all the nooks and crannies. I've literally liberally coated *all* of the inside, bar this new flooring (which sits on top of the old flooring)...
Reason I'm asking is I've just read about creosote tainting eggs if they lay on the floor directly?
I am planning on raising the platform for the nestboxes, so it's off the floor (as the shed is old -want to do as much as poss to keep damp out).
I also creosoted it because even after pressure washing it, there was still loads of woodlice (can chicken eat them ok btw?), and other lice in all the nooks and crannies. I've literally liberally coated *all* of the inside, bar this new flooring (which sits on top of the old flooring)...