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HELP - Parish Disagree to Chickens


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  • HELP - Parish Disagree to Chickens

    Hi all

    Im trying to get 'permission' to have 4 hens on my allotment plot however; the parish council want to play hard ball and are trying to say that their Policy is to phase chickens out.

    What i know is that the Allotments act 1950 says i can keep hens and i remember that there was an article in GYO some months ago confirming this as long as a by-law was not passed and i dont think there is one.

    Backgarden is not an option as i dont have one! Only a small, sloping, walled yard which is used by the family dog to go toilet so its not really a great place for chickens.

    Any advice?

  • #2
    As far as I understand it (and it has been discussed at length on this and other forums - look at Poultry Chat) the Allotment Act overrides any covenant, "policy" or any other procrastination they may like to try! If other folk are keeping chickens I can't see how they can stop you? What is their problem with chickens? Why are they wanting to "phase them out"? I'd discuss it with anyone else who keeps them and ask for a meeting with the chairman. Do you have a representative on the allotment committee/Parish council to represent allotmenteers views? If so approach them. Of course if they're determined they could make it difficult for you even if you"win" but don't give up too easily. Pursue all avenues. Good luck!


    • #3
      Oh i will keep pursuing dont worry about that. Once i have the area cleared im just going to put them on there!

      I have no idea why the parish are so against chooks but it may be because of the sheer number on some plots and the conditions in which they are kept. My plot doesnt have chickens at all so i will be the first. I had plans to spend about £200 on a custom built coop and run for the girls which looked rather pretty if you ask me

      Our sites are currently managed by the parish and they have set up a sub-committee which is chaired by my neighbouring plot holder who is a parish councillor. Needless to say he doesnt like chickens because they encourage rats however i argue that any open compost heap can do the same. We also have a village allotment association and i also pay subs into the NSALG so i do have some support there if i need it.

      I dont want to upset the parish too much and would like to keep them on side but unless they open their eyes and read their own tennancy agreements i cant see them ever being happy about this.

      Thank you for your words of support and ill keep you posted. Im planning on rescuing 4 battery hens to give them a new lease of life


      • #4
        I was the first on our allotment site to have chooks and when I was moving stuff to build the coop and run we uncovered several rat runs! I keep bait boxes with Eradibait in my runs and under coops etc. You could tell him you are going to keep bait down as a precaution. Eradibait is safe for other creatures if they should eat the dead mice/rats.
        A word of warning about the "pretty" ready made coops - they may look ok but are usually quite flimsy and don't last long. Try looking around for a local garden building supplier or even a chicken breeder/supplier as they often build small coops and runs as a source of income. There are 2 within 5 miles of me who both do this and they're much sturdier than the ready made ones. Some people buy a shed and adapt it.


        • #5
          Hi all just thought i would update you on my battle with the parish. They eventually realised that they had no option but to alllow me to have chooks on the allotment so im currently looking for a good value hen house and making preparations for the new additions. Any advice is always welcome.


          • #6
            good for you!! good luck with your future girls!!


            • #7
              Eggsellent news! Good on you for persisting. Looking forward to seeing pictures when they arrive!


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