I have hatched a few chicks to add to the flock, i have 3 spare girls and one boy (Pekins & Bearded D,uccles)that i advertised locally at �15.00 each (boy free)
A lady rang up about them and i explained that they were still with mum and they wouldn't start laying until 18 weeks old etc, she ask the price of them, then she asked if i had any "cheap hens" as she was worried that the might die before they started laying and she didnt want to waste her money.
I explained that there's no reason why they would die if well looked after etc, in the end i suggested it may be best if she purchased some free range eggs from the supermarket.
i dont think people appreciate the cost of keeping hens, food medication,vet bills etc.
most back garden keepers do it for the fun, i am sure my eggs cost around �5.00 each when you take everything into account.
A lady rang up about them and i explained that they were still with mum and they wouldn't start laying until 18 weeks old etc, she ask the price of them, then she asked if i had any "cheap hens" as she was worried that the might die before they started laying and she didnt want to waste her money.
I explained that there's no reason why they would die if well looked after etc, in the end i suggested it may be best if she purchased some free range eggs from the supermarket.
i dont think people appreciate the cost of keeping hens, food medication,vet bills etc.
most back garden keepers do it for the fun, i am sure my eggs cost around �5.00 each when you take everything into account.