(btw, what are wattles?)
Searched for this but couldn't find.. all three of my hens have pale combs, they're 17 weeks old.. is this just because they've more than likely come from a stressful environment, and/or are young birds?
They seem happy, and alert. They sort of erm, purr ? when I stroke them, and when I put them on the perch to roost at night (dont think they've quite worked that one out yet).
Just thought I'd check
usual paranoid self.
Searched for this but couldn't find.. all three of my hens have pale combs, they're 17 weeks old.. is this just because they've more than likely come from a stressful environment, and/or are young birds?
They seem happy, and alert. They sort of erm, purr ? when I stroke them, and when I put them on the perch to roost at night (dont think they've quite worked that one out yet).
Just thought I'd check