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May need to re-home a chook, can anyone help?


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  • May need to re-home a chook, can anyone help?


    Last april we got 3 ex-bats, and in May this went down to 2 as Marjorie had to be put to sleep.
    Well- now the fearsome has happened and 1 of the remaining 2 is poorly. Am trying to get her in with the vets, but if the worst happens and she doesnt come home, that leaves me with 1.
    As I am due a baby soon, I had decided that when these went- I dint want any more untill we had a big enough garden that the chickens and children can have their own areas (didnt expect it to be quite so soon though)

    So what I'm asking is, If I go down to 1 bird, is anybody potentially able to help me re home her? She is an ex-bat at approx 4years old. I'm afraid she's not laying, but is a lovely girl, always coming to see you for treats and pecking my trousers when I put the washing out. I cant put her down just because shes on her own, but also I cant just have 1 on her own.

    Can anyone potentially help?

  • #2
    Are you thinking she might be lonely or is it because of your baby? Just thinking that realistically she may not last all that long herself so she'd probably be better off staying where she is for the short time she possibly has left. I know they are flock birds but it's always difficult to put one in on her own with an established flock.
    If I was in your position I'd keep her for her remaining time but that's just my opinion and you need to do what's right for you.
    I'm too far away to be any use -sorry. Good luck and I hope maybe the poorly one may rally anyway (and all the best with your new baby too!)


    • #3
      I agree with Sue. She sounds very tame and at ease with human company so unless you see an obvious change in her appearance and behaviour that could be stress related I would just let her potter around as normal.


      • #4
        Thats good news!

        I am just about ok with the thought that we may have to say goodbye to one, but to loose them both would be horrible.

        Its not the fact that the baby is coming- it was more that I thought she'd be lonely. The reason I dont want more is there is so much poo and fly's in the garden- I didnt think it nice or safe to have a baby crawling in that.

        Thanks guys


        • #5
          After 5 of my original 6 were stolen from my allotment in October about 3 years ago, I took the 6th one home for the winter with a view to rehoming her but in fact she stayed with us until the January when I got some ex-batts plus a single Amber to live with Chucky. She was perfectly happy at home and used to come and tap on the back door when she wanted company! In fact she treated the other hens with utter disdain when she went back to the allotment and only communicated with Amber (or me!), just totally ignored the rest!


          • #6
            Panic over!
            Apparently a bad bout of diahorrea- nothing more serious. So antibiotics, anti-inflamatories and £47 later, I still have 2 chickens!
            Thanks for the advice though.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hungry Hannah View Post
              The reason I dont want more is there is so much poo and fly's in the garden- I didnt think it nice or safe to have a baby crawling in that.

              Thanks guys
              I think with or without chickens you will have had flys this summer/autumn, we have out chickens up the allotment an we have had not a lot around the chucks, but huge amounts in the shed.

              At home, we have been unindated with fly's I think its been a bad year for them, as with this warm autumn, we seem to have more now than in July/August - the car looks like we have wired an electric fly squatter to the bonnet


              • #8
                Also, if the baby crawling in poo(several months from now!!) worries you, 2 chickens won't be hard to fence in. I would recommend exposure to muck for all children, sterile environments are not good for them! pity they don't lay as fresh eggs would be very nutritious for the baby later on!!!


                • #9
                  I'm all for crawling around in muck- it was the eating of it I was concerned about!
                  They do have a fenced in area (chickens not children!)- but I'm too soft- I want them to have as much room as they can- otherwise they tend to sit at the gate looking at me and trying to find a way out to the "holy land!". Even now with the space they have they sit at the fence trying to work out how to get into the veg patch!

                  Unfortunately I dont think I'm going to have to worry about this as last night we lost the girl I thought I would have to re-home. She just dropped down dead. And although the other one is a little better than she was- se is still not great, has always been a bit of a loner and I cant say I'm holding much chance on her being with us too much longer.
                  Oh well- lottery win- new house- big garden- Lots of chooks!!


                  • #10
                    Oh dear that's sad HH .


                    • #11
                      yes, sad, I have a poorly one and its knowing what to do for the best


                      • #12
                        Came home from work today to find her staning/sleeping in the bushes. Have brought her inside tonight- too cold to be on her own. Think its a trip to the vets again tomorrow.


                        • #13
                          What a sad week for you! At least they had a great life with you after their bad start, try to focus on that


                          • #14
                            Oh dear, rubbish week. Good luck with the poorly one though x x


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