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poss off subject but could do with some help


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  • poss off subject but could do with some help

    Hi Guys,

    I've been keeping chucks now for 18months, been through the lot, red mite, blocked crop, operations, prolapse eggs, Mycoplasma, egg bound and now lice! (sounds like I dont look after them!!)....however my problem is now my dog

    for the last 6 months he has been itching, we're not sure if he is allergic to the chucks? or could he have been bitten by the latest bout of lice?

    Has anyone had issues with their dogs and chickens, they are at the allotment, but obviously I pick them, and he comes with me and sits in the shed, whilst I clean them out, feed them etc so he is around the area for at least an hour/2 a day

    I'm wondering if anyone can suggest something to spray the house as well, just in case a little blighter has managed to creep in on me

    I know its a little off topic, But I'm worried that he could become allergic to the chucks and I would have to get rid of them. I'm trialling keeping him in the landy while I look after them this week and disguard my jackets etc before getting in?

  • #2
    Oh dear Tick you do get it all don't you! It's NOT because you don't look after your chooks it's because you DO! Because you look at them and handle them you find the problems rather than the poor things just dying. However I think there is a Frontline spray that could be used in the house. You'll probably only be able to get it from the vet (Surprise-surprise!)
    I have a friend who has a bitch who is allergic to grass seed so she can't take her out in long grass in the summer months and she has low dose steroids if she does break out. Is there any possibility of hedgehogs/squirrels/mice/rats or similar in the shed where the dog sits? All of these carry fleas so could be affecting him rather than the chooks.
    Those are my thoughts so hope they help.


    • #3
      He could be allergic to their bedding or possibly their feathers. I think you are doing the right thing by keeping him away from them. I read somewhere, recently (may have been on here), that Avian mites will not live on us or other animals, but I don't know for sure. You could ask your Vet.

      It could also be worth having a google for Canine skin complaints, as they are many and varied, as are the causes and treatments. If it doesn't die down considerably by the weekend, I would get the dog to the Vet. Good luck!
      Last edited by Glutton4...; 26-10-2010, 11:35 AM.
      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
        hedgehogs/squirrels/mice/rats or similar in the shed where the dog sits? .
        Thanks Suechooks, just sometimes you start to doubt that you are looking after them properly, but if I think about what you say, you are right, as I'm with the chucks and always milling around them, picking them up etc I notice if they are off colour and then search the forum .

        I have to say that people ask me about chuck problems, since I seem to have been through the bulk of common problems and survived (just!)

        mice yes, poss not in the shed, but thats not to say they havent been in there, I have a front line spray, so perhaps I should use that at home and in the there an actual house one, or just the normal spray that you spray the dog with?

        I have him on Stronghold this week, for poss mites, although it could be an allergy, but not leaving any stone unturned.


        • #5
          I know you probably do but have you been over him with a flea comb , we've had loads of problems this year with the little blighters. Never have had before.... Also I remember our last dog having a itchy thing he also had sore armpits and the vet gave us some medicated shampoo to bath him in.
          S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
          a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

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          • #6
            for what its worth - my dogs get harvest mites which burrow into the top layer of skin (I think) and eat the skin flakes. One dog's not bothered but it drives the spaniel bonkers. Might it be these? They only make an appearance later in the summer/autumn...They are minute orange dots and feed communally. You can find them in between their pads, under their front legs and on the inside of their back legs. Frontline will sort them out, though the best thing to stop the dog scratching is a cheap (�3) steroid injection from the vet!
            Good luck!


            • #7
              Generally... things like ticks/mites/lice are fairly species specific, so it's unlikely your woofer will have picked anything up from the chooks...

              However, this is the time of year for fleas for dogs and cats, as well as harvest mites etc. Dogs can also get itchy and start shedding fur when the central heating comes on, as the heat and dryness in the house dries out their skin.

              Best thing is a dose of Frontline, and a darn good brushing to get all the loose hairs/skin out of the coat.


              • #8
                My guess is most likely to be harvest mites, or rasberry mite if anyone is clearing them out.

                If keeping him in the landy works, try re-introducing him to the shed..but not the chooks. If he's still ok then try the chooks again.

                Red mite wont LIVE for long on a dog, but like they do with us, they can irritate like hell if they get on him.

                And yes there is a seperate spray or powder which you can use specially on your house for fleas and mites, ask at your vets, but unless its script only you may well be able to buy it cheaper on-line.

                Cheer up Tick, those wot looks after their pets well ALWAYS worry about things that maybe others would ignore, good luck with finding what woofits problem is.
                Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                • #9
                  thanks again for the information

                  Raspberry mite, are these off raspberry plants????

                  I have given him a dose of stronghold and it seems to have started to work, itching less. Although at the same time I have kept him in the van while I sort the chucks out

                  Also washing with malaceb seems to have worked

                  going back to the raspberry plants mine have taken over the rear garden, he likes to go there, time to get them snipped and pulled out just in case


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