Once again Sid wanted to lead his flock to sleep ON TOP of the coop this evening.
Once more I had to have a tussle with him and his Laydes to get them to go to bed .......in the right place.
After that was over decided that the two young cockerels in the other pen with Sids old harim were NOT going to sleep outdoors tonight. With theis in mind I threw some bread into the main pen to entice them in then shut the flap between the big and liottle pen.
After the shenangans with Sid I noticed they were still sitting outside in the other pen!
There is loads of room and some lovely roosts of varying height in there laydees coop so I decided to pick em up and put them onto perch.
All went well with the smaller of the two cockerels and he semed to settle quicky. Not so the bigger cockerel who was so upset he fell off his perch and landed four foot below on the coop floor.
After picking him up and re placing him he eventually got his balance and settled down.
By this time I was covered in hen carp, mud and God knows what else so when I got home I had to strip off everything, put it in the wash and jump straight in the bath!
Lets hope tomorrow evening is a little less eventful!
The joys of keeping chooks!
Once more I had to have a tussle with him and his Laydes to get them to go to bed .......in the right place.
After that was over decided that the two young cockerels in the other pen with Sids old harim were NOT going to sleep outdoors tonight. With theis in mind I threw some bread into the main pen to entice them in then shut the flap between the big and liottle pen.
After the shenangans with Sid I noticed they were still sitting outside in the other pen!

There is loads of room and some lovely roosts of varying height in there laydees coop so I decided to pick em up and put them onto perch.
All went well with the smaller of the two cockerels and he semed to settle quicky. Not so the bigger cockerel who was so upset he fell off his perch and landed four foot below on the coop floor.

After picking him up and re placing him he eventually got his balance and settled down.
By this time I was covered in hen carp, mud and God knows what else so when I got home I had to strip off everything, put it in the wash and jump straight in the bath!

Lets hope tomorrow evening is a little less eventful!

The joys of keeping chooks!